Chap. 3

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Jungkook froze; his breathing became labored. Was he really hearing him correctly? Tae? Dead?

"Hy-hyung, tha-that-that's not something you joke about," he said chuckling nervously. But when he looked around, he saw all of them looking down at the floor. He heard a few sniffles here and there from them. No, it's not true, I won't accept this! He thought to himself. Tae IS N-O-T DEAD!!! Why did "God" have to take the ONE person he loved more than his parents away from him.

"N-n-no-no. It's not true. Hyungs PLEASE tell me that you're just joking," he pleaded.

"Jungkook," Jimin said his name in such a soft and almost apologetic tone, "I'm so so so so so sorry, I know you're probably thinking we're joking, but it's the truth; He's gone.". Jungkook lost it. He fell back against the door, clutching his chest. He felt like he couldn't breathe anymore. What am I going to do without him? He was-no-still IS my whole world. I'm so lost without him by my side. Jungkook started sobbing uncontrollably.

"No! Th-tha-thi- JUST FUCKING NO! YOU'RE LYING I JUST KNOW IT! HE ISN'T GONE!" he screamed at them, "he can't be gone". The tears were streaming down his face, eyes swollen and mixed with fear, face red with anger. Everyone went quiet, they knew that he would be like this, I mean, who wouldn't be upset after hearing that the person they love(d), has died?

After a long silence, Jungkook finally spoke up, "take me to him," his voice shaky but firm, "I want to see him for myself and tell him that he can stop with his little sick joke isn't funny anymore". The others looked at him in shock. Not at the fact that he wanted to see Tae but at the fact that he really thought that all this was just a prank pulled on him by all of them. Nevertheless, they all agreed, and decided to take him to see Taehyung. To them, it was the only way for him to see the reality of the situation, since he didn't believe them.

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