Chap. 10

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"Okay, so lemme know if I'm correct or not," Tae told him while taking a deep inhale and exhale, "you got worried about me since I wasn't responding back to you. Then decided to watch a movie to calm down, got a call from Jin, went down to the hospital, and that's when they told you I was dead? Correct?" Jungkook nodded his head in agreement.

"But wait, there's actually more," Jungkook told him. Tae looked up at him. More? Okay, maybe with this last bit of information, I'll finally come to a conclusion. He thought to himself.

"Okay then, continue."

"I guess after a good amount of time, I asked to let me see you. Like I wanted to see your body for myself. At first they were against it, but eventually they led me to the room where your body was. I'm not gonna lie, I was very afraid of actually seeing you. I thought this was just a prank you were pulling on me," he told the older, looking down at his feet.

"Kookie, why would I even play with you like that? That's mean and hurtful, you know I would NEVER do anything like that," Tae told him. Jungkook knew he was right but once he heard that he was dead, none of that mattered to him.

He continued, "I know. But let me finish. After I came in, pulled the sheet back and actually saw your face, I broke down. I couldn't handle it," he said, tears clouding his vision. Tae was to the least, shook. He didn't know how to respond to that.

"That's it?" he asked.

"Well, kinda," Jungkook said as he wiped his tears away, "I just kept asking to stop playing around and wake up and for you to at least give me a sign."

"And then what?"

"Well, that's basically around the time you showed up here." Tae laid his head against the couch, trying to put together everything Jungkook just told him.

"Kookie, can you check your phone real quick for me please?"

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