Chap. 11

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"Umm, okay I don't see why though," Jungkook took his phone out of his pocket, "now, what do you want me to check?"

"Your messages. You said that you had repeatedly texted me before going to the hospital, so the texts should still be there right?" Jungkook nodded in agreement. He did as he was told and checked his messages.

"I mean, I don't see the point, but-," he cut his words off, "THEY AREN'T HERE! OH MY GOD! But how??? They were there I swear they were," he said frantically.

"But you see my texts though, right?" Tae questioned him.

"Yes, but what happened to mine?"

"Ya know, I think this whole thing was just a dream. You had a nightmare from worrying about me and it just escalated into this big mess. But out of all things, why dream that I was dead?" Tae asked him. Honestly, Jungkook didn't know. He couldn't give him a real explanation as to why he dreamed he was dead.

"Honestly, I don't know. I think my mind just went with the situation that'll hurt me most?" he said, questioning the whole thing himself.

"Okay," Tae said, rubbing his chin and nodding. He still couldn't really understand why or what made him dream of him that way, even if Kookie did explain, it was still confusing.

"Well, since it was a dream, can we get back to having our anniversary mini party?" Jungkook asked him, eyes wide and a little red. Tae chuckled, and ruffled Jungkook's hair.

"Of course, baby. But why not call the guys over and we all celebrate it together?" Tae asked him. Jungkook really wanted to say 'no', he just wanted to spend the rest of the night with his boyfriend, without the company of their friends.

"But baby," he started to say, but soon realized that his objections wouldn't be met as soon as he saw Tae on the phone.

"...Yeah, yeah. Just be here...yeah, you know, you ask a lot of questions. Just know you're getting free food," Tae laughed and then turned around to see a confused Jungkook staring at him. He made a gesture with his hand, signaling the younger to come to him.

Tae put his hand over the speaker so the person on the other end wouldn't hear him, "Don't worry, it's just Jin and Yoongi. I called them to say that they and the others are more than welcome to come to our little party." Jungkook was sad that he invited the others, but then again maybe it'll be good to have the whole gang back together again.

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