Chap. 7

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"It's really you," Jungkook sobbed, tears flooding the other's shirt, "I thought I lost you". He continued to cry on his shoulder, letting it all out. After a while, 'Tae' pulled Jungkook off of him and the younger backed up a bit, wiping his eyes and trying to regain his composure.

"What do you mean? I told you I was gonna be working late. But when I texted you, you never responded. Even when I called, you didn't pick up, so I thought you were sleeping" the guy told him. Jungkook looked at him confusingly. What did he mean he texted and called me? The last thing I sent was the messages to Tae? And my phone hasn't rung except for when Jin called him and told him to come to the hospital. He thought to himself. What in the world is going on? How is my surely dead boyfriend standing here saying he's alive?

"But," Jungkook started to talk, hesitating while trying to find the correct words to say, "the last text I sent was to my boyfriend because he didn't update me on work and the last call was from Jin hyung telling me to meet him and the others at the hospital".

"Kookie, why do you keep saying "my boyfriend" like I'm not right in front of you? And if I was in the hospital, for whatever reason, don't you think they'll call YOU first, instead of them? I mean you're the first name in my emergency contacts" Tae told him, still concerned about the state of Jungkook's wellbeing.

"Well, I wondered that too, I thought since they DIDN'T call me first, that must've meant that one of the other guys was hurt for some reason. But when I got there, they told me that you had died," Jungkook told him, tears falling from his eyes like rain droplets. Tae ran to him and held him in his arms as the younger brokedown. He was so confused. Why does Jungkook keep referring to me in third person? Why does he think I'm 'dead'? Tae thought to himself.

"Okay," he said, holding Jungkook up, "let's get some things straight first okay? One, I AM ALIVE OKAY? Two, I AM YOUR BOYFRIEND, KIM TAEHYUNG. And finally, I'M FUCKING ALIVE! So, can you PLEASE stop talking about me in third person, it's very creepy you know?". Jungkook straightened up, listening to him and agreeing with him about the third person thing.

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