Chap. 4

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They showed Jungkook the room where Tae was in, the others backed away a little to give him space. Jungkook reached for the knob, but for some odd reason, he paused. What if he is really dead? Am I really ready to see his face for the last time? Can I really handle life without him being a part of my world? He thought to himself while mentally preparing himself to open the door.

He instantly regretted opening the door.

There. On a stainless steel table, a body was covered up with a white sheet.

No. It's not him. Please God, let it not be him. He pleaded as he slowly walked closer to the table. Once he got close enough, he looked at the body up and down, scanning to see if it was really Taehyung's body. After contemplating with himself about removing the sheet to reveal the truth, he eventually did.

He hated that he did that. His soul shattered into pieces. The reveal showed the face of his lover, the man who had his ENTIRE heart, the man who he was gonna marry one day. The face of someone he loved for almost NINE YEARS.

He broke down crying. No no no. He kept repeating to himself.

"Tae. Baby, please tell me this is a joke," he was basically begging at this point. But to his dismay, he never got a response. Tears started to roll down his face once again.

"Baby," he said in between breaths, "please answer me" he begged. He grabbed his left hand and squeezed it. Cold. So cold. He said to himself as more tears came rolling down. He couldn't believe that the love of his life, his sun, the reason for his existence, was actually gone. Dead.

"Tae, baby, what happened?" Jungkook asked through his tears, "Talk to me. Show me a sign, anything". Jungkook dropped down to his knees, leaning against the cold table, still holding Tae's cold hand.

*The face of someone he loved for almost NINE YEARS* okay for this I just wanna say that they've been knowing each for nine years, a couple for four*

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