Chap. 5

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"I should've come when you never replied back to my texts, or never sent updates on how long it was gonna take you before you finished" he told the corpse.

Jimin and the others were standing in the hall, quietly listening to their youngest friend breakdown. It broke their hearts seeing him like that. They weren't used to seeing the young male show his emotions so easily. He usually hid them from everyone, not wanting to put his worries onto them.

"I can't take this," Jimin said, throwing his hands up in defeat, "I'm going in, he can't handle all of this by himself."

"Well, if you go, we all go," Yoongi spoke up, the others nodding their heads in agreement, except for Namjoon and his boyfriend, Jin.

"No, no one is going in there," Namjoon told them, Jin agreeing with him.

"He needs to be alone with him right now. We'll comfort him when he comes out," Jin stated.

They were disappointed, but they knew he was right. Jungkook did need them, but not right now. He needed to be alone with Tae to grasp the grim reality.

"I can't believe this," Jungkook said repeatedly. Each time, more tears would roll down his face.

"Youre really gone. Tae, what am I gonna do without you? You were-no, still are my world. I need you here with me. Please don't leave me all by myself," he said as he tried to hold his tears back but it was no use.

Knock knock.

Jungkook looked up, he surely thought he heard something. Maybe Tae was actually trying to tell him something from the beyond?

Knock knock.

He heard it again, this time he realized it was coming from the door. Must be one of the guys or the doctor. Can't they just leave and let me be with him for the time being? Jungkook thought to himself while struggling to get off the floor. His knees had become numb and his body was weak and hurting. He walked over to the door, but before opening it, he looked in the mirror, wiped his face and tried to look like he hadn't been crying his soul out for the last 30 minutes.

"Ahh, hyung, I'm okay. You didn't need to check on me," he started saying but when he looked up, he was met with a familiar face.

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