Extra tips and tricks

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#1- Stay hydrated (Usually when shifting if following a guided meditation you will breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, being hydrated helps your mouth not get dry as fast if that makes sense.) Also, water is good for you.

#2-Clean your spaces (Having a clean room helps me have a clear mind which is amazing for shifting)

#3- Do your self-care (Even if you aren't shifting that night please take care of yourself, cause you know...health and stuff)

#4- Get in the right mindset (before I meditate I edit my script and either listen to music that reminds me of my DR or watch a Harry Potter movie because I'm shifting to Hogwarts)

#5- Affirm all throughout the day (This just helps put me in a good mood)

#6- please please please take breaks. Trying to shift is mentally draining and your DR will be waiting when you get there. You have all the time in the world and if you try to shift you might as well do it well-rested.

#7- Don't worry too much about perfecting your script, you can always add onto it later 

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