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Kaede had gotten her clothes and then they relaxed in their room. "Are you still worried 'bout that damn Pooichi?" Miu asked her, getting a small nod from Kaede. "I told you to stop worrying about him." Miu tried to get Kaede not to worry about shuichi. "B-But.. I didn't know he liked me.. I didn't even take consideration in his feelings..! I-Im so Du--" Miu slapped Kaede across her face. "Stop it.. Shuichi has to know by now. Its not like he confronted you about it or anything right..?" Kaede was silent. "I..I guess you're right. I cant worry about it.." Kaede said. "See? You cant worry about him.. he hasn't done anything to you..

"And if he does, I'll rip his fuckin' head off."

They ended up cuddling and going to sleep. Miu woke up first. As usual, Kaede had Miu in a death grip. "..." Kaede was sleeping so peacefully. Not even snoring. Peaceful. On the other hand, Miu slept like a Maniac. She shifted and changed positions all in her sleep. Probrably why Kaede wants her to stay still. Thank the lords she doesn't snore. She just drools a lot. "Damn it, My pillow has drool on it againnnn.." Miu whined. "Geez." Miu heard a voice behind her. It was Kaede who had her face nuzzled in Miu's neck. It scared Miu a little. "Hee!! Don't scare me like that you titless bitch!" Miu squealed at her. Kaede had moved her legs to knee her in between Miu's legs. "Hngh~.." Kaede had kneed her kind of hard, but Miu found pleasure in it. "Do  that again w-why dont y-you?" Miu asked her again while stuttering a bit. "Not gonna happen sweetheart~!" Kaede said with that really cute smile as she got up to use the bathroom. "Please? I.. I want you to do it a-again.. P-pleasee?" Miu begged her. "No, maybe later." Kaede said simply. Then Miu started kicking. "IM!BEGGING!YOUUU~.." Miu practically screamed at her. 

"No." Kaede went in the bathroom and closed the door shut. "...." Kaede soon came out the bathroom. "Miu why don't you go and get some food?" "..." Miu was silent. 'did she fall asleep again?' Kaede thought. "..." Miu was again, not responding. "Miu I know you're awake." Kaede forced Miu to face her. But instead of Miu looking Kaede in the eyes, she pretended to fall asleep. Little did Miu know, that was a bad choice because Kaede then got mad and slapped her in the back of her neck. Hard. "OWW!" Miu screamed. "Now get up." Nope, Miu had thrown a tantrum. "LEAVE ME ALONE!! RAAAAAA!!" Miu said while kicking her legs on the bed, and her arms almost hitting Kaede in the face. Kaede grabbed Miu's hands and dragged her out of bed. Miu had bit Kaede. "Ow! why'd you do that!?" Kaede yelled at Miu. Miu stopped her tantrum and looked at Kaede for a few seconds, and then started crying. Kaede noticed that and started apologizing. 

"Im sorry! I didn't mean to yell!" Kaede hugged Miu who was on her knees with tears coming out her face. Miu didn't even respond. She just hugged her back. Soon Miu stopped crying. Kaede had noticed that she fell asleep on Kaede's shoulder. Unlike any other time, Miu actually looked peaceful. "Awwe.." Kaede had picked Miu up bridal style and carried her to her bed. Kaede got on top of her and fell back asleep.

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