11.Promposal Day- Part 2 (Sophie)

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"Ms. Foster, how kind of you to finally join us."  Mr. Bronte, the math teacher said sarcastically. "Sorry, Mr. Bronte. I got lost." I lied. I'd been with Keefe, eating my heart out. "Meet me today after school for detention. And I'll make you a map so you don't get "lost" again." he said. The entire class burst into laughter, except Biana, who had a smile tugging on her face. I sat down next to her. "SILENCE! Or you'll be joining Ms. Foster for detention!" Mr. Bronte shouted. 

After the long and boring period, we went to lunch. entered the cafeteria and sat down on our usual table beside Biana and Linh. Suddenly, Fitz stood up on the table. "Everyone, I have an announcement to make." Fitz brought everyone's eyes to our table. I look at him, puzzled. "Sophie Elizabeth Foster, will you go with me to prom?" He held out his hand to me. Before I could reply, someone hit the music. "I liked you ever since I saw you," he sang. "Your shiny golden locks and your beautiful brown eyes too. Inside, you are just as beautiful, kind and funny. So, tell me, will you go to prom with me?" 

I couldn't believe it. Fitz Vacker had asked me to prom! I stood up on the table too, taking his hand. "Yes! I will!" I said and hugged him. Today was the best day EVER!

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