Chapter Twenty Five

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They drive Ben to the airport and the whole time Ben and JJ are talking non-stop about military and police stories. They are like two kids in a candy store. In such a short amount of time, they've become almost best friends.

Everett has seen her dad with her brothers but neither of them is military or first responders. The lingo and understanding of calls and situations are different than when they talk about Gunnar's centers or Hudson's baseball. These guys are laughing at morbid things. It's so different from what she's seen with her brothers.

They park and walk him to the security terminal to say goodbye.

"Little bird," Ben sweetly says.

"Old man," She cheeky responds.

"Watch it,"

She just smiles and hugs him. "You have a taste of freedom little bird, now is the time to fly,"

"Thank's, dad,"

"Give me a moment with JJ,"

"Ok, JJ... keys please,"

JJ looks at her confused, "Why?"

"Cause if you leave me for my dad I'm taking your truck,"

"Ha, ha, so funny Everett," He laughs as he hands his keys over. "Don't leave without me, terror,"

JJ follows Ben a bit further away from Everett who sits by the exit. She plays with the keys while she waits for whatever bromance is going on.

Ben stands with his arms folded over his chest and looks at JJ firmly. "I like you, son,"

"Thank you?" JJ questions the tone.

"Before I watched my wife walk down the aisle, I watched Everett walk down as a bridesmaid. She was beautiful,"

"Still is," JJ corrects him.

"Yes, she is. This brings me to this, inventions with her,"

"You realize she refuses to listen to anyone because she is so damn headstrong. I swear she likes to give everyone a hard time, though it seems like she just gives me a hard time. She pushes me to the threshold of sanity, literally drives me crazy with the things she says and does," He starts and the more he talks he realizes that maybe wasn't the best start. She announced her love for him in front of everyone. He needs to man up, drop the baby balls, and let's word vomit this romance shit. "But, that tiny ball of terror makes me feel safe and understood. You've worked with the prior military in the force and you know certain demons come with that. One hug from here and they are gone. Trust was hard to come by when my ex told me they wanted to be with me, low and behold, it was only for the military status. She wanted to move up the ranks as a military wife. That woman right there has me wrapped around her tiny fingers. After the crap I pulled, she still stayed and continued to work for my family. She made a promise to someone and has stood by it. I'd give everything to make her happy because her word is more than a statement. You know how that is for anyone who serves, the word, followed by actions,"

"I know what happened when you looked into her past, that night," Ben narrows his eyes at JJ.

"Fuck," He drops his head. He had hoped that Ben would never find out. "Then you know I got knocked on my ass and every day since that has been my biggest regret. Gunnar made sure that I felt that train and fuck!" He rubs his chest. "Sorry, excuse my language, but that guy..."

"That guy has looked out for her since she was in middle school. He looked out for Hudson and Allie too. They all may not be blood, but we are family,"

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