Chapter 2: No gain in shame

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"So what I'm hearing is you have to help him pass econ, and you will get your volunteer hours?" Demetri asked before taking a sip of his milkshake. "Exactly" I took one of his fries, "I mean I don't wanna but there's no other way for me to get my hours with work, this is my only option" I said Turing to grab the coffee pot to pour a truckers cup up.
"Have you ever thought I don't know getting a better paying job other then the dinner so you wouldn't have to work so much?" Demetri said eating a fry. " wow dem I never thought of that let me go to a high paying job where I would have to give my background explain what I did and also show my living conditions, when I barely got this one, yeah let me just fill out apps now for the supermarket " I said a bit upset.
"Hey I'm sorry I forget sometimes" he trailed off. I huffed out a breath, not with anger but with a understanding expression.
"I mean that's good isn't it, shows ive changed, that you can't tell what I've done in the past by who I am now" I lightly smiled without saying anything he looked at me and smiled and we both gave a small laughter.
As I wiped the counter the bells of the door chimed and both me and Demetri looked in the direction, Eli walked in with a couple other Cobra students. " I have to do my job now" I said picking up my notepad and pen leaving Demetri at the bar with his milkshake fries and thoughts.
"Hi welcome to the Dinny Dinner can I start you off with drinks" I asked with a smile and happy voice not looking at Eli.
"Three cokes and I'll take a water" the blonde girl asked. "Ok would you like lemon with your water?" I asked . "Naw I'm good" she responded. "They'll be out soon" I say writing it down and walking away, I bit my lip and stoped my pace and took a breath and turned back towards them.
"Hey random question" i said not very confident I'd get a response. " How's Miguel?" They all went blank faced and looked at each other then back at me kinda upset. " it's non of your business" Eli looked at me. "What he said" I guy with curly hair said weak.
"Just a question, I'll be back with your drinks soon" I say Turing around to the kitchen and putting the ticket up.
As that got taken care of I went to another table and seen it was Kyler and his friends, I rolled my eyes and walked over.
I put on the same smile and voice on I did for the other table, "Hi welcome to the Dinny Dinner, can I get you started with drinks". He glanced over at me and looked me up and down. " uh I thought this place was known for there good looking servers" he said which got a noise laugh from the other idiots. "Well uh, I guess but the only other server right now is Glenda and her tits sag to her ankles, but all the up in age truckers ask for her so I mean, I think I'm your best option" I said kinda awkward and kinda hurt.
They all looked at each other and then Kyler looked at me and cleared his throat. "We will take two cokes for them and a hot coffee for me" I scrunched my nose at first, normally only truckers amor old women get a cup of hot coffee. "Uh sure, you want any cream or sugar with that" he looked me dead in the eyes and said "No" and smiled .
I closed my notepad and went back to the coffee pot, Glenda started to tend Cobra Kai table so I was left with Kylers . I poured his coffee and the sodas and brung them their drinks. "Ok two cokes and a hot-" I was cut off by a force pushing the try upwards towards me and splashing both the ice cold and hot drink onto me. It must have made a lot of noise because after all I could hear was the sound of the three idiots laughing.
"What's the big idea?" I asked pissed. "It's you, I swear I think if we order it be eaten before it got here." He laughed plopping a mint from our bowl in his mouth.
"Haha weight joke very funny and-" I was cut off by a hand on my shoulder pushing me back and walk in front of me , first thing to catch my eye was the up right blue hair. " hey wise guy what's your problem?" Eli asked with his hands in fist.
"Problem is she's fat dude, she shouldn't be aloud to wear the uniform" Kyler said looking at me then back at Eli. "Why it matter to you anyways?" He said standing up.
"Stop it you to pea brains, it's over with and done" I said pushing them away from each other. "No look at you your a mess now" the girl walked up and said. "It was hot coffee as well you could have gotten serious hurt" Eli said . I raised my eyes and crossed my arms . " what's it matter to you?" I asked
"Awe is little cow your girlfriend, get desperate after Moon dumped you?" He laughed and Eli tensed up. " that's it , Kyler get out" I yelled.
"Also Daryl makes the mints himself at home, and is balding with dandruff" I smiled. He looked at his friends, spit the mint out rapidly fast and ran out.
I huffed out and started walking away. "Y/n what was that all about" Demetri came up to me. "Lyler is a dick nothing new" I said . "Your lucky the coffee is never actually hot" I look up to see Eli. " and you , why the hell did you step in?" I asked annoyed. "You seemed in need of help" he said leaning on the counter. " I can protect myself, you don't know me Eli" I said pointing my finger
"Y/n are you ok?" Demetri came up . " stay out of this nerd" Hawk curled his lip. "Not like you'd actually help her asshat" . I was frustrated at both, with their bickering.
"Guys stop, this is ridiculous I can fight my own battles" I said walking away taking off my apron and placing it on the counter and yelled out. "I'm taking my break" I walked out the door to the back of the building and looked at my now stained dress/uniform. I huffed out and laid my head and back against the wall and slide down I pulled my knees to my chest and laid my forehead to my knees.
    I heard the door open then close and I heard shifting beside me. "Who ever it is I don't have money for you to rob" I said with out looking up. "Good,because I didn't want any and you'd be easy to rob you out up no fight " he tried to joke but I clearly wasn't in the mood. I knew it was Eli I could tell by his voice.
     "What do you want pisspunk?" I asked looking up from my knees letting them rest to the ground straight. He said m no I thing and looked away. "See I don't understand why you-" he cut me off " We haven't heard from Miguel , last I heard he was in a coma, and Sensei Lawrence isnt sensei anymore it's Kreese and he's a lot harder, but he's making us stronger. But to answer your question, he's in a coma" he still didn't looked at me.
       "I'm sorry I didn't -" I started but stoped. "It's fine"
        There was a lot of silence until I grabbed my head in pain. "Headache?" He asked. "Yeah just comes and goes ya know with stress" I said letting go blinking a bit.
       "Here I used to help my ex and I still do with my mom" he started rubbing my temples on my head a certain way and it was helping a lot actually and calming. "Wait ex?" I asked . "Yeah moon and I we aren't together anymore but I guess because she couldn't handle the Hawk" he acted all cocky until I rolled my eyes he went back to weakness but still getting rid of my headache.
     "But she's moved on with a girl" he said kinda hurt. "Oh damn I mean that's great for her but I'm sorry man" I said . He stoped and looked at me and then stood up, "it should be good now, see you after school Friday" he then just walked away. What a way to be all tough. I walked in and huffed as I put the white also stained apron back on and walked out.
   "Hey are you aloud to wear stuff over your uniform" he asked finishing paying for his food. "Uh yeah why?" I asked confused getting my pen.
   "Because I know your not happy about being all stained up so here take my flannel" he smiled as he took it off put it on me and helped button it up. He met my eyes and smiled . "There" he said stepped back and I tied the bottom. "Thanks Demetri " I say."no problem see you at school" and he quickly walked out of the dinner.
    I smiled knowing I had a good friend, but also I was wondering if I should tell Eli about my past, maybe then he would intervene with my conflicts, but then what if he thinks I'm crazy, wait better question why do I care, I don't but I do. I was caught out of my gaze ."Y/n table 4!"The chef  called out . Just focus on earth and when I get home bed.

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