Can this fix him?

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Ha- wellp- it's a good day for a short chapter right!? 😃

What Holliday did/do you celebrate?I do Christmas 😑 it's not the best thing in the world but yk it's okay... I kinda wanna change what we do but nope, I'm not in charge🙄Oh and it finally snowed!!!! (after me yelling about it for a week)

The amount of mistakes in this- don't even ask- my brain stopped working I swear!



It's been like this for so long. I thought I was going to die and I've just been here... I have no idea where 'here' is though. I wanted to be in something like hell, but maybe this is what happens when you die? I don't know anymore...

If I am dead... was what I saw in my dream true? Did Issei really kill himself because of me. I really hope he didn't. I can't handle that kind of pressure. Him dead because I died. Nope, I need to stop thinking about that. What if he was going through this dream thing with me? Just because he died he has to do this every day too...

Why hasn't the dream started though. It's been about ten minutes from the last time... maybe it's over. Maybe I'm left here with just my thoughts. Or-

"Hey Makki what-" Never mind then... I guess it was only over for a second. That's better than nothing.


Tooru's parents came by, and have been in the hall with Oikawa, and the doctors that are going to work on Hiro. They said yes to the surgery... I haven't been able to say anything though. I have just been thinking the worst.

"Issei..." I'm on the chair next to Maks still and Iwa came up behind me putting him hand on my back. "What are you thinking?" He asked and I flinched. I'm thinking about Makki dying... the doctor walking out of the room and telling me he's dead. Then me going to the top of the hospital... looking at the sky, then the ground, then my landing spot for when I jump off- "I- I'm thinking the worse." Is what I ended up telling him.

Not that he knows what it is, but that was enough for him to turn my chair and give me hug. "Yeah, I am too." I could feel Iwa start breathing hard then I realized he was tearing up. Iwaizumi was crying? He never really cried so this was not something that I was prepared for.

I stood up and squeezed him back and I started crying again. He was just as hurt as the rest of us. I never noticed, and for that I feel terrible for. "He might die... he might actually leave us. I won't be the same without him. Oikawa will fall apart, and you... you look like you're just about ready to die as well-"

"Haji?" Oikawa came in the room with blood shot eyes and looked at me then back at his boyfriend. He came up to him and held him in my place. "Thanks" Oikawa whispered to me. I nodded and sat back in the chair. I grabbed Hiro's hand and looked at his sleeping face. It looked like a tear fell down his cheek, but it might have just been my imagination.

Oikawa and Iwa walked out. Where? I don't know... I whipped my face then laid my head back down facing Hiro...


"Haji, why haven't you talked to me.... I'm so sorry you've had to deal with me when you have been just as bad..." I feel horrible right now. As if im going to puke just thinking about everything. "I just-" He looked up before speaking again. "Wait you look sick, are you okay?" He's doing the same shit again. "You are worried about me all the time... thats why you don't do anything for yourself!" It's a good thing we went out to the car because we are being really loud right now.

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