Is Makki okay? Are you?

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I'm back💖🤩🥱 What do you do for fun? I read fic's for hours and watch anime but like when I'm not doing that I'm rn♥️



Today is Saturday. I got out of that stupid crowded hospital this afternoon, almost night, and we all went to Mattsun's house. I was still not feeling my best and it was hard to walk short distances but I was happy I got medical attention in time. I want to spend my days with my friends.

 If I don't get better, I at lest want that. 

I was sitting in the living room with Mattsun. We both wanted to watch a movie and hang out all day. Oikawa was proabaly bothering Iwa well they were getting snacks. I was very tired to be honest. Oikawa said it was normal for me to feel like this in the condition I'm in, but I can barely talk without needing my inhaler. I also cant walk because my legs keep giving out. Its getting annoying... I like talking and I want to talk to Mattsun. Its getting on my nerves! 

Oh and on the way in the house I almost fell. Issei had to carry me in. It was so embarrassing.

"Are you mad about something Makki?" Mattsun was watching me like a hawk today. Like I was just going to drift away if he turned his head. I nodded my head and leaned on his shoulder. 

"Aww my poor prince is upset. What do I need to do for you? I'll do anything Hiro." I blushed and pulled the blanket up on my face. Ughh Mattsun is doing this on purpose because he knows I can't talk. He pulled the blanket down and held my chin up so I was looking right at him. 

"Makki I know you're blushing you don't have to keep covering your face. I like seeing the effect my words have on you~" Then he smiled and looked back at his tablet. My face was so red... and I felt like I was burning everywhere. 

"...stop... you're k-killing me..." I whispered. He just smirked at me. He knew exactly what he was doing.

I then put my head down on his lap and watched him draw on the tablet. He put his free hand on my waist and we sat there in comfortably silence well waiting for Oikawa and Iwa. If they didn't come back soon I was going to fall asleep before we even looked for a movie.


"Mattsun has nothing in here!?" I said looking in his pantry. "Well that's because he is always at my house! We we're going to go there but no you guys wanted to come to Mattsun's.... We all know Matsu would never say no to Hana." 

"Ughh Iwa-chan! Why don't you just make something?" I said happily walking to the chair he was in. "And let you watch me cook? No" Iwa needs to stop being so frustrating! "I'll go and sit with them out there then and you can cook Iwa..." I was a bit disappointed that he didn't want me here. I just wanted to look at him in an apron but I guess I can go- 

"Wait Oikawa... you can stay, but I need to ask you something first." He wants me to stay? I love you Haji. I giggled...

"Okay Iwa, ask away!" I said and stood in front of his stool with my hands on my hips. Ready for anything he said. "Whats going on?" He grabbed one of my hands, with both of his. Then he got ready to speak again. "Are you okay? And Makki... Is- what's going to happen?" I was not ready, not for that.

Oh... Iwa, h-he's worried... "I don't know... I- I don't know" I need to calm down. I have been avoiding it haven't I? It never even came to my thoughts...

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