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Why hello there😃 I see you're back for more✌🏼😗 Thanks for the votes and the follows<33 Makes me truly happy to think people are sitting here looking at this shit but then again we are all weebs reading/writing fanfics so I get it!💖😘

How do you sleep at night when there is a ghost under your bed? For me... his name is John and he is always on the phone with Sally... like shit-

I hate dance sfm rn... my arms and legs are broken😃🥱✨can't move anywhere



*Beep beep beep*

Stupid alarm... I forgot it was Tuesday. I turned of the alarm and I sat up. Tooru didn't move and I wasn't surprised at that. He was really tired last night so I get that. Last night he had really bad nightmares. He was scared about his best friend again and he started stress eating all the milk bread he had saved in his room. I woke up and had to talk to him all night trying to calm him down. It worked for the most part but I have been really worried for the both of them.

"Kawa... come on get up." I rubbed his back and he started opening his eyes. "We have to get ready to go okay? It's 5:30 by the way." He sat up and ran his hands though his hair. His eyes where all droopy and the shirt he had on was scrunched up. "I don't want to go Iwa-chan~" His hair was a mess and he looked to funny right now. I chuckled and hit his head fluffing his hair around.

"Go look in the mirror and I think you'll change your mind on getting ready." His eye's scrunched up and he quickly got up to see what I was talking about. When he came out his mouth dropped. "My hair!!" I laughed at him and he ran over to his closet. "I'm going to take a shower. Stop laughing at me Iwa!"

I got up and stood behind him giving him a hug. "You look just fine... shittykawa~" He slapped my hand and grabbed some things from his closet. "You're being nice Iwa! I'll be about twenty... thirty minutes. I think..." He giggled and I let him go. "Wait, are you okay 'Kawa?" He turned and smiled his eye's lighting up.

"Yes I am and you don't have to worry... the nightmares will go away eventually." He kissed my forehead and I let go. "Okay but I'm still going to ask you if you're good later." He walked off into the bathroom. "Iwa-chan it's cute that you're worried about me~" I know and I regret saying anything and yes I am worried about the idiot. "I regret saying that-" He giggled and I turned around.

I went to get my clothes out of my bag and went to the other bathroom to get ready. After I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and put on my uniform I opened the door and headed to the kitchen to get something to drink. I got a glass and filled it with water. I took a sip and looked out the window to see what it looked like outside. It was raining again like the last few days.

Finishing the water and then putting my cup in the sink I walked up to the basement door. There was a very high possibility the both of them didn't sent an alarm. Mattsun was stupid like that and Makki gets up early most of the time so he wouldn't have set one.

I walked down the steps and over to the lights. I turned them on and walked over to the sleeping boys but wasn't ready for what I saw.

They are tangled in each other's arms and I see shirts on the ground. Thankfully they where covered with a blanket because i don't know if I would've been prepared to see all that.

I walked over to Mattsun's phone and set a two second timer, putting it next to his ear. It went off and his body jolted up. When he saw me his face looked so irritated. "Hajime what the hell!" I laughed as both boys slowly woke up. I put the phone down and it was still ringing. "Iwa turn the phone off!" Issei mumbled still tired and mad.

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