I hate the Hospital

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Hey its me again✨😪nothing new just the writing or whatever...♥️🤧 what's your favorite color? Ik it's a boring question but like tell me anyway...

Btw when they call- Makki has Mattsun as My Prince in his phone and Mattsun has Makki as 🍓strawberry 🙈😗



"Taka what do you mean? You can't-" I do... I do want to but I'm going to break him if I explain why. "I- im sorry Tooru but..." I looked down, so I didn't have to see his face. He was crying... more then I was. "I love you Makki. Whatever happens know that okay? I-i'll be right back okay?" I nodded then he ran back into the house. Probably getting my things out so I could actually stay at his house.

After I wiped my face I got out my phone. Tooru said I had to call Mattsun so I was going to do just that. Just have to catch my breath first...

...Calling My Prince..

S: Hi Issei... OH SORRY... I- I ment Mattsun

M: Heyy Hiro~

He laughed at me just then. It was soft and quiet but amazing...

M: Makki we have known each other sense we where like 10... I think. I don't mind if you call me by my first name~lover boy~

S: I-

If my face was not already red from crying it was from that...

S: Okay then Issei... pfft- I could get used to that...

M: Okay then Hiro~... I can feel the blush on your face from here. Oh and if you're feeling better tomorrow do you want to maybe hang out at Iwa's?

S: Fuck you! I am not blushing!!!

I was and it felt like I was burning... Ughh I hate that he was the only one that could do that to me... the butterflies... He gave me butterflies...

M: You are. I know you to well. Do you or not? Don't make me come ask you in person!

S: Okay okay okay calm down- Of course id love to Issei- Oh I gotta go, Oikawa's back.

M: Mak's, Hey wait... call me later?

S: Needy much? Yeah... but you might want to text me first though. Im spending the night at Oikawa's and Ill probably have to listen to him rant about Iwaizumi ALLL night!!! I won't have enough time to talk about you!

M: You talk about me-?

S: Byeee Mattsun<33 OIKAWA GIVE ME MY PHONE!!

...End call...

"Oikawa!!!! Why'd you go and do that! I wanted to talk to him!!"

"Don't go all crybaby on me Makki. You where going to ignore me the whole car ride trying to say bye to him!" He was not wrong...

"Ughh... Sorry Oikawa, but I probably was..." I gave him a small smile and he smiled back. "Okay so do you want to watch movies all night and eat snacks! We can even FaceTime Mattsun if you want." Yeah I have too...

"Yess I have to call him back anyway."

"Okay lets go." Oh yeah we have to go to the hospital first... I sighed and looked back out the window... I hate that place.

"I know you hate it but its not the end of the world yet. The aliens didn't come yet......Or they did and they are just disguised as us?!?!"

"Wait ahhh nooooo!! What if you're an alien and have been lying to me all this time!!!??"

Can't tell anyoneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon