The operation

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What should I say... I like hurting peoples feelings sometimes :( yk I'm just going to tell this to you guys now... I was not plaining to make the car crash. That was a last minute thing. I wasn't going to do it I swear. Should I have? Nope...

Also I'm doing a 3rd person pov later in the chapter. I'm not the best at them, but I had to have one. Good luck reading it -_-

How are you? (:




Hajime: So try getting some water. Also try to breath as calm as you can. I'm in the car btw.

Tooru: Okay I will. Are you almost here?


I waited for him to answer, but I was left without a response. It's okay Tooru. He is in a car so he can't look down at his phone as much. He will be here soon, I need to relax. Like he told me. I grabbed a cup of water and then waited for the both of them to show up.

About half an hour later... they still haven't.

"Excuse me sir?" I looked up with red irritated eyes, to see a nurse with a worried expiation. "Yes?" I responded not ready for the news. "You are Oikawa Tooru... right?" I nodded and he continued, that must not a good sign. "Two things, Hanamaki is now being taken to a surgery room, and there has been... an accident... with a few other close people to you? I assume. They have been here before. Thats the only reason I know of them, and your connections to them."

My heart stopped a bit. Close people to me?... My parents... no they are in the next room. HAJIME AND ISSEI. My eye's widened at the realization, and I stood up quickly wiping my eyes. "You should follow me this way hun." He gave me a sympathetic smile, and led me to a room down the hall from Taka's.

My hands won't stop shaking. I'm losing it, I can tell.

How could this of happened? It can't-nothing should be wrong with them. Why was everyone around me getting hurt? It's like they all got this cursed and I was saved from it. I don't get bothered, but am affected, harshly. I have no power over it.

I finally looked into the room to see Hajime in a bed looking, half awake and Issei, with his arm in a cast, sitting up, trying to leave his bed. A doctor was holding him down as well. "Oikawa is he okay!? I need to know what's going on! Oikawa!" I walked over to him, and my face dropped. I was very dosed out at the moment still trying to get what had happened. My eye's widened and dropped back again.

"W-what the hell h-happened to y-you guys...?" I stuttered out quietly. I don't get why this has to be happening of all the times. I looked right at Issei's face and he looked as if he was about ready to run out of the door. "I don't remember. Where is Makki?" What was I going to say to him... especially when he looks like this.

"He's... in surgery." He looked straight at me and I could see a few tears form in his eyes before he whipped them. "Can you tell me everything that happens... when you hear anything that is?" He seems really soft spoken all of a sudden, and he sits down, as if he's calm, looking at his hands. "Y-yea I think..." The doctor that was holding his arm let go, and looked over to me. He then walked away to the door, and left me here.

Issei nodded as a response, so I turned my attention to Hajime. He looked sound asleep and I walked over his bed. He had a few stitches on his face, but he looked okay. "It was a car crash. He wasn't looking at the road a-and thats it really..." Issei spoke still looking down. I didn't say anything though. It didn't seem right to speak. "It's okay... it's over" I whispered and kissed Haji's head. "Now we just have to worry about Taka." I said in the same voice.

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