Chapter 37

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Zoe's POV

Bianca and I were chilling in the living room area of the chaos cabin when the door burst open. I had managed to forget about Percy for awhile, but it all fell apart when I saw who walked in the door. Percy was walking in behind Nico and Thalia.

"Percy!" Bianca yelled and enveloped him in a hug. I quickly joined.

"Hey guys, miss me?" He smiled, that wonderful smile of his.

"You're back? That means we have to cancel the party," I groaned.

"What party?" He asked as he sat down on the sofa.

"The party we were going to throw to celebrate you leaving," I joked as we all sat down.

He grimaced," About that, I'm sorry. I didn't realized I was doing the same thing that happened to me. I was betraying you guys."

"I forgive you, but you should tell that to everyone," Bianca said as Silena walked in.

"What's going on?" She asked before noticing who was here,"Percy!"

"Hey," He smiled as Nico went to get the rest of the soldiers. It was good to have Percy back.

Julie's POV

Luke was alive? The traitor and hero of Olympus was alive? Percy Jackson was alive and on our side instead of Kronos's? I know that the stories say that Luke and Percy were heroes, but I don't think I can trust anyone tha worked for Kronos that easily. Everyone trusted Logan and Aaron so easily even though they admitted to working for Kronos. Why did Luke not reveal himself earlier. Did he think we would just trust him when we found out who he was.

"Luke and Percy are back?" My half-sister Katie asked as we did our nails. I loved our time together when she visited.

"Yes, and no one knows if we should trust them or not," I said, glancing at Mike. It must be hard to have a brother that betrayed you, died a hero, then turned up alive and no one trusting him.

"I'm going to go for a walk," Mike said walking out the door.

Mike's POV

Luke was back. My brother was alive. I don't know how I should feel. Luke had betrayed us, and then died a hero. Percy had disappeared and thought to be dead. Then Percy and Luke show up alive and with the people who will save us from Kronos, the person both of them used to work for. Can we trust them? Can I trust Luke?

I hear screaming and quickly run to the hill. What I see scares me almost to death. There are ten times the amount of monsters that were in Kronos's army during the battle of Olympus, and that's just the monsters you can see.

Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and comment. There are only a few chapters left that I'll try to get up soon.

Julie is a child of Demeter and Mike is a child of Hermes. 

Just wondering, are there any Lunar Chronicals fans reading? To the side is a song co-written by Gio Navas about Queen Levana and Cinder, enjoy!

Trivia: How did Sally Jackson's parents die?

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