Chapter Three

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  "C'mon Kyoudai, I'll drive ya home!" Mondo said, slapping the seat of his motorcycle.

  "No thank you Kyoudai! It is unsafe to give out your home address, and I do not think I will enjoy a motorcycle ride!" 

  "Yer sure?" Mondo sounded dumbfounded. "Everyone loves motorcycle rides!" 


  Mondo sighed and shook his head. "A'right Kyoudai, but I am taking ya on this eventually!"

  "I will only consider it if you bring helmets! Other than that, I will have to politely decline!" Taka turned away from Mondo. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to head home now! I have a lot of tasks to attend to, and I mustn't be late!"

  "Okay, fine. Get outta here!" Mondo flashed a smile and gave Taka a thumbs up. Taka nodded and saluted and began his way home. He heard Mondo behind him start up his motorcycle and drive off.

  Taka walked with a bounce in his step. For the first time in a while, his day was good from start to finish. Mondo came into class early, he had a nice conversation with Leon about one of his favorite people, he passed a test in his history class, and for once, he didn't need to watch over kids in detention because there were no kids in detention! Now he'll be going home to study and then later cook dinner for him and his father! He wondered what he should make.

  As recipes flashed through his mind, he couldn't help but think about Mondo and Leon. He never imagined that befriending Mondo led to him befriending Leon as well! Taka thought he'd befriended Leon. He'd sought him out all by himself, so that must mean he enjoyed his presence. He found it funny though. He always suspected that Leon never really liked him. Maybe something changed his mind.

  Taka wondered if he could cook for those two sometime. He'd enjoy seeing their faces light up with joy over something he made them. He would invite them over for dinner, but admittedly, he was very insecure about his house. It wasn't very big or fancy, quite the opposite actually, and he lived in a bad neighborhood. That and they didn't exactly have a lot of food to spare. He didn't want to see his father starve himself for Taka's sake anymore. He understood that it was all his father could afford, but he couldn't help but be insecure, especially since all of his peers lived in such big, lavish homes.

  That's why he had to be prime minster! To make sure his father lives his final days comfortably!

  Suddenly, a voice cut through his thoughts.

  "Hey! Taka! Ya need a ride?"

  Taka glanced beside him and saw none other than the Ultimate Baseball Star in a fancy looking white car with the window down. He was pulled over the the side of the rode, and he wondered briefly how he didn't notice. Taka stopped in his tracks and wandered over a little closer so he didn't have to yell to be heard over Leon's music.

  "It's okay, Leon! I walk home everyday, so you don't need to drive me!"

  "All the more reason to hop in." Leon leaned over and opened the door and Taka was able to observe that he was not wearing a seatbelt.

  "Kuwata-kun! Don't you know how dangerous it is to be driving without a seatbelt on? What if you get into a wreck?"

  Leon smiled and rolled his eyes playfully. "If it's that much of a problem for you, why don't you come in and buckle me up yourself?" He stuck his tongue out and winked, but Taka was totally oblivious to the obvious flirting.

  "Don't they teach you how to do that yourself? You are such an irresponsible driver! Fine!" Taka climbed into the passenger's seat and reached over Leon, who suddenly froze up. He grabbed the seatbelt and buckled him in and sat back. "See? It's not that hard!"

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