Chapter Eight

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Still 3rd person omnipotent! 
TW! Breakdown and suicidal thoughts

  If looks could kill, Mondo would be dead on the floor.

  The moment their eyes met, tension sparked, and Leon could feel it. If this was an anime, there would be lighting flashing between the two.

  "What the hell are you doing in my house?" Takaaki demanded, glancing at Leon for a moment before glaring back at Mondo. "And who're you?"

  "Hellooo Mr. Ishimaru!" Leon stood and greeted with a friendly smile, attempting to alleviate at least some of the tension, but they both stood their ground and wouldn't budge. "I'm Leon Kuwata! And this is my bestie Mondo Oowada. We're Taka's classmates."

  Takaaki's eyes did not soften. "That doesn't explain why you two are here."

  "Father!" Taka came out of the kitchen with a big smile on his face. He hurried over and hugged him tightly. "I hope you don't mind that I invited these two to dinner!"

  Mondo practically deflated. It's going to be so hard to earn this man's trust and approval.

  He and Takaaki had a... History. Since Mondo is the leader of the biggest biker gang in Japan, he's had several run ins with the law and has been to prison. Takaaki was a police officer often called to the scene of the crimes he's committed. Takaaki knew all about his history of aggravated assault and theft. 

  Fuck. Was the only thought racing through his mind. 

  "You invited them?" Takaaki repeated, skeptical that his goody-too-shoes son would invite a criminal into the house. Surely he knew who Mondo was? 

  "Well, it was more like Leon invited himself in and then invited Kyoudai." Taka laughed, breaking away from his father and clapping his hands. "But I don't mind! They're my friends, and I like spending time with them!" 

  "Nice to meet'cha Mr. Ishimaru!" Leon strode forward and extended a hand. "Don't worry, we're not bad influences!" 

  Takaaki cast a weary glance at the boy before taking his hand and shaking it. His judgemental eyes bore into Leon's soul, and he felt like he was being pulled apart and dissected. He let go and pulled his hand away quickly. 

  "You say you're not a bad influence, yet you go around dressing like that." Takaaki remarked with a deadpan expression. "So many piercings. And that red hair does not look natural." 

  Ouch. Leon frowned slightly but forced his mouth to curve upwards. He can't disappoint Taka's father already! But does he have to be so critical? 

  Now Mondo sees where Taka gets his judging from. Actually, with them standing side by side, he could see a striking resemblance only an idiot could miss. Too bad Mondo was an idiot. 

  "Father! Don't be rude!" Taka scolded him. 

  "Uh, n-nice to meet you too, Mr. Ishimaru!" Mondo blurted out quickly, sweating nervously. 

  "You know we know each other, Oowada." Takaaki delivered bluntly. 

  Mondo's shoulders stiffened. "R-right..." 

  "Oh, you know each other?" Taka grinned, bouncing a little on his heels. "Great!" 

  Yeah, great... Mondo thought bitterly.

  "Hey Ishi, you done with dinner yet?" Leon asked, hooking his arm with Taka's. Takaaki glared. 

  "Nearly! Just give me a few more minutes for the final touches!" Taka patted Leon's shoulder and smiled at Mondo. Mondo's face flushed a deep red, and Takaaki took notice of that. "I hope you both will enjoy what I made for you!" Taka slipped away from Leon and disappeared back into the kitchen. 

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