Chapter Fifteen

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Art by me
I had this chapter done a few days ago but I wanted to post this on my birthday hehe 👉👈 I'm seventeen today 🥴 wish me happy birthday or else something bad will happen to Leon, Taka, and Mondo in this fic 🔫👁‍🗨👁‍🗨 /j

Taka bounced his leg anxiously. He had retreated to his room earlier in order to at least study a little bit while his friends made breakfast, but Leon had retrieved him mere minutes later. This was abnormal. He'd already wasted so much time wallowing in his own pity.

He was sitting on the couch with Mondo and Leon sitting beside him, both on their phones. Leon had his head in Mondo's lap, and Mondo was absentmindedly stroking his hair. If it were anyone else, Taka would have thought they were together.

He looked away.

"Well, since we're all feeling better, we should go to school! I do not want to miss any more than I already have!" Taka spoke, standing up. Leon stretched and grabbed his wrist.

"Nope! You're staying here!" The red headed boy protested.

Taka took his hand away, but Mondo's hand replaced Leon's.

"Yeah, ya gotta relax. Ya don't take days off, so this is the perfect opportunity to just wind down." Mondo pulled him back down onto the couch, and Leon crawled forward, laying his upper body down on the hall monitor's thighs. Taka felt heat rise to his cheeks.

"I never take breaks, because I don't need any!" Taka argued, trying to push the punk off of him. He didn't budge and instead just put his phone aside and latched onto his thighs like a leech to bare skin.

"Your dad said you had to stay home today!"

"But I feel better! And when did you care about what adults tell you?"

Leon paused and thought for a moment. "This is a rare moment that I agree with a stinky adult, and also I'm kinda scared of your dad."

"Did you just call my father stinky?"

"Forget about what he said," Mondo interjected, setting his phone aside and wrapping a strong arm around Taka's shoulders. "Yer stayin' wit us!"

"I-I can't just skip school!" Taka tried to escape, but with their combined efforts, he was practically stuck in place. "That's not what an upstanding student does!"

Leon let out a sigh of frustration before sitting up and planting his butt right on Taka's lap. He wrapped his arms around the prefect's neck and leaned against him. "You work so hard all the time, which is exactly the reason you deserve a break."

"Do you have any idea what personal space is?" Taka tried to focus on anything but the heat that radiated off their bodies but ended up hyperfocusing on it instead. They were warm, very warm. Too warm.


Mondo laughed at that and leaned in close too, throwing his other arm across Taka's stomach. He let his chin fall on Taka's shoulder, and he cooed into his ear. "Yer never escapin' us~"

Taka's whole body felt hot as the words entered his ear and coursed throughout his veins and pumped him full of adrenaline. Taka attempted another escape, again with little results. The delinquents giggled at his vulnerability, and Taka thought this would have to be the first time he'll have to give up.

"Well..." Taka started, pulling a hand free and hiding his face in it. "My father did strictly tell me to stay home today..."

"Yay!" Leon leaned in before his eyes widened, and he suddenly leaned away again. He looked away and waved around his hand. "Don't worry, it's nerve wracking skipping school for the first time, but it gets easier next time!"

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