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Hi I guess I should post an update since everyone's been begging me to post another chapter.

I haven't been doing well lately and writing for a fandom that is no longer my main interest just stresses me out more than I already am. I'm in my senior year of highschool, and I've been going through lots of changes. I got a job, I learned how to drive, I've been more worried about where I'm going in life to write for this.

Now that being said, I am going to finish this fanfic, I just don't know when. Begging me to post another chapter does nothing except fill me with guilt and makes me not want to update at all. I'm working on the next chapter, I've just been doing it at my own pace.

Rewriting a chapter I had already written is frustrating and difficult enough without y'all begging me to update quicker.

I was gonna make this update in the next chapter, but seeing as I do not know when that's gonna happen, might as well do it now and not leave y'all in the dark.

So please be patient with me, I've got more things going on than just writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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