Chapter Two

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Art by conicalcrowd on Tumblr
Quick thing! Only Leon and Mondo know about Chihiro's secret, but they refer to him as a girl when talking to anybody else! Okay? Okay!

  Leon couldn't believe that the emotional pain from last night still lingered when he woke up. He'd opened his eyes slowly when his alarm went off and just stared at the ceiling. The noise continued as he didn't bother to move to turn it off, but it was welcome, as it drowned out the noise in his head. It was only until his dad yelled for him to turn it off that he did. And then his mind was flooded with the buzz of last night.

  Mondo had woken him up last night to rant about Taka. Leon wouldn't admit how much it hurt to hear his crush rant about his crush. But he tried to be a good friend and offered to be his wingman. If Mondo's happy, Leon's happy. Right?

  It's always been this way. Put people before yourself to be happy. It surely made Leon feel good to see the people he cared about be happy, but it didn't fulfill him like he'd hoped. And now he was stuck doing things he didn't want to all because he couldn't stand up for himself.

  Well, he wanted to be Mondo's wingman. He wanted to make him happy. But he also wanted Mondo to himself.

  Leon supposed it was his fault for not confessing his feelings first.

  "Fuck." He breathed, running a hand through his hair and sitting up. He cracked his back and yawned and slid out of bed to get ready for the day.

  He didn't pay attention to any of the bullshit his parents said over breakfast, as they were probably criticizing him anyway. Then came his jealous thoughts once again. What the hell did Mondo see in that stuck up hall monitor anyway? He was strong, sure, and his voice would be nice to listen to if he weren't screaming all the time, but fuck. Aren't I more fun than him?

  Leon quickly finished his breakfast and took off without saying goodbye to his parents. He grabbed his keys on the way out and got into his car. He drove to school, blasting his music as a way to drown out his thoughts. It worked, for the most part.

  He parked in his usual spot and sent a quick text message to Mondo asking where he was. He scanned the area to see if he could spot any of his other friends and saw Kazuichi and Ibuki talking by the gates. He let a small smile spread on his lips, but he had to wait for Mondo so he did.

Biker Daddy: im here. i look a little different today tho

Leon: Damn youre here on time? I bet takas the reason for that

Biker Daddy: shut up

  Leon wandered to where Mondo usually parked and, sure enough, found him. He was leaning against his motorcycle looking at his phone and, upon Leon's arrival, looked up at him. Mondo's hair was pulled back into a messy bun, and Leon had to force himself to not jump on him and kiss him all over his stupidly attractive face.

  A lopsided grin broke out on Leon's face, and he whistled. "Oh shit man, you look fuckin' good."

  "Eh." Mondo shrugged, stepping closer and pocketing his phone and slinging his bag over his shoulder.

  "Why'd ya ditch the pomp for today?" Leon asked as they began walking into the school for the day.

  "Woke up late, didn't wanna be tardy. Takemichi fuckin' interrogated me too. Fucker wouldn't leave me alone about Taka."

  "Oh, so you told him too?"

  "Yeah, after he fuckin hounded me! Kept callin' 'im a nerd too. That really pissed me off!"

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