Chapter Twelve

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  Leon woke up still buried in Mondo's chest. He was still tired, as he didn't get too much sleep last night on the account of worrying about Taka and worrying about Mondo noticing his boner. He could smell food being cooked in the kitchen, but he didn't wanna get up. He didn't think he could if he wanted to. Mondo's arms were still wrapped around him tight, locking him in place and restricting any sort of movement he could have made. He didn't mind though. 

  He closed his eyes and went back to sleep, cuddling up close to Mondo. As he started drifting into sleep, Takemichi kicked down the door and started shouting.  

  "Hey, gaylords, get yer asses up! I didn't cook breakfast just fer ya to sleep in all day!" He yelled, shaking Mondo. 

  Mondo just grumbled in response and held Leon closer, and Leon felt like he'd just ascended and was in biker booby heaven. It was warm in Mondo's arms, and his face was even warmer. That was quickly ruined by the shorter biker. 

  "I said," He ripped the blankets off of them. "Get up!" 

  When Mondo refused to get up still, Takemichi walked to the window and threw open the curtains. Mondo's eyes shot open, and he screamed when the sunlight hit his face. Leon held back a laugh and sat up. 

  "Awh, come on 'Michi, not cool. He had a rough night last night, let him sleep." Leon giggled as Mondo furiously rubbed at his eyeballs and spat strings of curse words. 

  Takemichi raised a brow at that. "A 'rough night,' huh? That why you here?" He shook his head and crossed his arms. "I thought he liked the weird hall monitor." 

  It took a moment to understand what the body guard meant, and Leon's face went red at the realization. "Wa-wait! Hold on! We didn't do anything except cuddle a little!" 

  "A little?" 

  "I'll fuckin' kill ya!" Mondo roared, jumping out of bed and advancing towards Takemichi. Takemichi grinned and easily dodged his assault, weaving between his legs and barrel rolling towards the door. He stood and ran down the hallway towards the kitchen. Mondo followed, his footsteps heavy and pounding against the wooden floor. Leon put his piercings back and grabbed his phone. He checked his text messages (ignoring Kanon's and promising to answer them later), but Taka hadn't replied to any of the messages he'd sent. He hadn't even read them. He sent a simple good morning text and pocketed his phone and left the room. 

  Leon walked into the kitchen to see Mondo holding Takemichi and tugging on his hair while Takemichi desperately protested and tried to wriggle free. 

  "Hey, let's all just calm down! It is way too early in the morning for this!" The punk exclaimed, trying to diffuse the situation at least a little. It only managed to get them even more riled up. 

  "It's never too early to beat the shit outta this little shrimp!" 

  "Don't call me a shrimp, you piece o' meat!" 

  "Don't call me a piece o' meat you fuckin' Pomeranian!" 

  "Don't call me a Pomeranian ya fuckin' corn hair havin' ass!" 

  Leon sighed and sat down at the table. He figured it was useless trying to make them calm down, and he didn't really want Takemichi's cooking go to waste, so he started eating. The two bikers continued shouting when suddenly they were interrupted by loud, angry knocks on the front door. Leon flinched at the sound. Takemichi blinked and looked up at Mondo. 

  "Were ya expectin' anyone?" He asked.

  "No." Mondo answered, peering at the door worriedly. 

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