Chapter Eleven

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I just wanted to come out and say that I apologize for absolutely nothing I've done to you in the previous chapter ^_^ <3 I thought this song fit Leon and Mondo in this and the previous chapter, listen to it if you want lmao

  Mondo knew he was being a dick. He knew he shouldn't have pried so hard, and he knew he shouldn't have gone home and left Taka on the pier all by himself. But who cares, Taka was being the dick first! 


  What if Taka really couldn't tell Mondo what was wrong? After all, he's got a secret he can't tell anyone. But is Taka's secret really as bad as murder? 

  It can't be. Taka would never stoop so low. 

  But even still, was it really that bad he couldn't entrust it to Mondo? 

  It must be Mondo's fault. For being such a useless friend. 

  When he got home, he just collapsed onto his bed and cried. Cried like the wimpy little girl he is. Because he's obviously so useless that his closest friend can't even tell him what's wrong. So fucking useless useless useless

  All I does is fuck up.

  He was startled out of his crying fit when his phone rang. He checked the caller ID, half hoping it was Taka so he could apologize, but it was Leon instead. He knew he shouldn't answer when he's crying like this, but he couldn't just ignore a call from Leon

  He did his best to suck down the tears and answered in his best "nothing is wrong do not worry about me" voice. "He-y." His fucking voice cracked. Of course it fucking did. 

  Leon didn't seem to notice. "Uh, hey, have you seen Taka anywhere? I kind of maybe fucked up a little bit." He sounded panicked, like he was in a crisis of his own. 

  "Uh, why? What happened?" So something did happen with Leon. "What the fuck didja do to 'im?" He sat up and leaned forward, all feelings of self-hate thrown out of the window to focus on his friend's own crisis. 

  "Nothing! I swear!" A pause. "Uh, well, I said something, and he kinda just went a little haywire. Like I set him off or something. But I got valuable information!" 

  "Just." Mondo pinched the bridge of his nose. "Just tell me what happened, and I'll tell you what just happened with me 'n him." 

  "Oh? So you did see him? Was he okay?" 

  "You spill first." 

  "Fine, fine, okay." A sigh heavy with regret left his mouth. "Uh, so I wanted to see if Taka was gay or not. So I said, hypothetically, that I had a crush on him. And he kinda just. Lost it. So, I'm pretty sure he's gay, but he has a lot of internalized homophobia." 

  Mondo blinked, taking a moment to silently soak up the information. Then he started getting pissed off. "Wait, are you serious? I had a fucking chance with him?!" He threw his fist into the air and brought it down onto his pillow. "YER SAYIN' I HAD A FUCKIN' CHANCE, AND I WENT AND FUCKED IT UP?" 

  "Wh-what happened?" Leon stammered. "Calm down, tell me what happened!" 

  Mondo took a deep breath in and out and lowered his voice. "He was actin' all funny so I drove him out to the pier 'n asked about it. But he wouldn't tell me so I got pissed off and said that he didn't trust me. Then I kinda just. Fucked off." 

  "You left him on the pier alone? In such a vulnerable state" Leon gasped, and Mondo cringed back. "What the fuck man! Do you have any idea how long of a walk that is? Ya gotta go out and get him!" 

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