Chapter Fourteen

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Uhh so. I meant to get this out like two weeks ago 🗿 school and a new obsession with an old fandom is to blame for that 🤪✌️ This is a bit of a shorter chapter but I hope you enjoy nonetheless 🥰

The two delinquents stared around the kitchen, searching for something to make for Taka. Mondo had an idea, but it'd be embarrassing to execute. He couldn't cook, but he did know how to bake. He could bake some muffins for Taka and call it a day, but he didn't know if he could whip out his secret talent to please his bro.

Well, he certainly could, but having the balls to do it was another ordeal entirely. He knew neither of the boys would judge him, but... Baking is so girly! He couldn't just go all housewife on them!

But Taka needed to eat, and Mondo was determined to satisfy his needs.

He sent a nervous glance to Leon, and when Leon locked eyes with him, he looked away again. Sucking in a breath he silently began pulling out baking pans and ingredients. The shorter boy seemed a bit surprised.

"You know what you're doing?" Leon inquired. Mondo just responded with a quick nod. "Alright, well just tell me what to do, and I'll do it!"

Mondo was glad to have such a supportive friend. As he barked orders, Leon followed them to the best of his abilities. Actually, Mondo thought it was the first time he'd ever seen Leon follow orders so well. He was glad that he cared so much about Taka too.

As they worked, Leon decided to chatter aimlessly.

"I wonder what everyone's doing at school. I bet they're all breaking rules since Taka isn't there." He reached into the fridge and grabbed a bag of mixed berries that Mondo had instructed him to grab. He closed the door with his hip. "Come to think of it, I don't think Taka's ever missed a day of school."

"If he did, I'd be breakin' all kind's o' rules too." Mondo laughed, stirring the batter gently but firmly.

"Me too. I'd probably skip all my classes."

"I'd join ya."

Leon smiled really big and looked away. "Ya think Taka would be scolding us about now?"

"Definitely." Mondo laughed again and instructed Leon to pour the berries into the mixture. He did so and resumed stirring. "Probably lecture us about how important rules are." He folded the berries into the batter carefully.

"When'd you learn how to cook anyway?"

"This is bakin', not cookin'."

"What's the difference?"

Mondo nearly exploded and told him all the differences, but he held his tongue. He had to focus right now. Besides, that'd be embarrassing to get all worked up over anyway.

Leon watched with wide, innocent eyes before Mondo barked more orders at him. Leon went to go grab the baking spray as he instructed, and Mondo was glad to get him to stop staring. This was already humiliating enough as is, no need to make it worse by staring.

Leon sprayed the pan, and Mondo evenly divided the batter between each concave mold, making sure to leave some space at the top for it to rise. He popped the pan into the oven and turned on the heat. Then he turned around and clapped his hands together.

"Now we wait." He announced.

Leon seemed star struck, and it took him a moment to respond. "Y-you want me to go get Taka?"

"We should pick up first."

Leon looked around at the mess they made, his optimism faltering slightly. "Oh, yeah."

Mondo started on the dishes while Leon started picking up leftover ingredients that they didn't use.

"Hey man." Leon started. Mondo looked up at him but Leon's gaze was fixated elsewhere. "I just wanted to say, I think it's cool of you that you care about Taka so much. I think you'd make a good husband."

Mondo's face reddened and his eyes widened. "Y-YA THINK SO?" He blurted, his grip on the sponge tightening. Bubbles spluttered out of the thing and soaked his hand.

"I know so."

Mondo looked down at the sink and watched the running water wash away bits of muffin batter. His heart beat heavily in his chest, nearly silencing the noise of the water. His throat closed and he felt like he was about to cry, but he pushed it down into the depths of his stomach.

"Thank ya. That means a lot, Lee."

They fell into a comfortable silence as they continued to clean up. The only sound that filled the room was the sound of running water and the clinking of dishes as Mondo put them up to dry. Leon took a rag and began drying off the wet dishes and putting them away.

Their hands brushed as Mondo handed Leon a plate. They locked eyes for a moment before looking away from each other again. Mondo had the overwhelming urge to hold the boy, kiss him, feel his heart beat against his own.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

They finished up, and the muffins were almost done. Leon peeked his head out of the kitchen and just stared for a moment. "I think he went to his room."

"Well go get 'im!"

"I'm going!"

Mondo watched his disappear down the hallway, grimacing slightly. "Make up yer mind, Oowada." He scolded quietly to himself before turning around and taking the muffins out of the oven. He poked a fork in to check if they were ready and after confirming they were, he pulled them carefully out of the molds and stacked them skillfully on a plate. He smiled down at his work, and Taka and Leon walked in. Taka's eyes immediately fixated on the stacked foods and his mouth widened slightly.

"You made these for me?"

"Yep yep!" Leon threw an arm around Taka's shoulders and squeezed him close. "Mondo was the mastermind behind it all! I just did what he told me."

"I didn't know you could bake, Kyoudai!" Taka grinned and flapped his hands.

Mondo looked away, scratching the back of his neck. "It's, ah, kinda somethin' I didn't want anyone knowin'. But I thought since this was a special case, I'd go ahead and bust out the know-how."

Taka took a muffin and broke it apart. He blew on it, and Mondo watched as he took a delicate bite. When Taka didn't react right away, he thought for sure the baked goods weren't up to his standards, and Mondo about grabbed the plate and threw it in the garbage without a word.

  But Taka froze, and his eyes sparkled. "These are delicious!" He turned to Mondo as he stuffed the rest of it in his mouth. "Ah, excuse my messy eating, but you are really skilled at this!"

Mondo smiled and hid his face. "It-it was nothin'!"

  There ya go, overreacting again! Calm the fuck down, Oowada.

"Heyyy, I helped too!" Leon whined, hugging Taka's back and setting his head on his shoulder. Taka laughed and petted behind Leon's ear. Leon leaned into the touch.

"You did great too, Leon."

Leon grinned happily, and Mondo thought the scene in front of him was really cute. He wished he could just take out his phone and snap a picture, but that'd be weird, so he didn't. He made sure to make a mental note of this scene and ingrain it in his mind. He wondered why he was so okay with it, but he decided not to dwell on it too much.

For the rest of the morning, they snacked on the freshly baked goods and enjoyed each other's company.

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