Chapter Six

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  Taka couldn't help but bounce his legs excitedly as Leon typed his number into Taka's phone and vice versa. He kept accidentally typing the wrong numbers because his fingers kept shaking, but he eventually did get it right. They exchanged phones, and Taka grinned. 

  "Is it okay for me to text you at any time?" Taka asked, fidgeting with his phone. "I wouldn't wanna bother you or anything." 

  Leon smiled and tilted his head a little. "Of course man! I'm never doing anything important." 

  "That's a problem! Don't you have set times when you do your homework? Or when you go to baseball practice or something?"

  Leon laughed. "It's funny you think I do either of those things." He wiped a fake tear and put a hand on Taka's shoulder, leaning in slightly. "Don't you have to go do homework now or something?" 

  Taka perked up, his mouth slightly agape. "Damn! You're right!" He laughed a little, putting his phone in his pocket. "It seems I always lose track of time whenever I talk to you!" Taka caught a glimpse of Leon's face turning pink as he turned around and opened the door, stepping out onto the sidewalk. "I'll see you at school tomorrow!" He waved goodbye and closed the door. 

  He waited until Leon started driving off to start walking home. He hummed the tune of a song Leon introduced to him and had a vague feeling like he was forgetting something. He checked his pockets but nothing was out of place. Maybe he left a notebook at school or something? He went to check his bag when he noticed he was no longer wearing his watch. 

  "Ah!" He pulled up his sleeve and frowned. "I remember checking it just before I left school so it must have come off in Leon's car." He turned around, but Leon was already gone. He sighed and continued his way home. He'll just send him a text saying he forgot it. 

  As he walked up to the door of his house, he heard a car pull up behind him. Was his father home early? He hadn't said anything. Taka turned around to greet his father with a smile, but instead of his father, it was Leon. 


  His smile fell into a confused frown. "What are you doing here? Did you follow me home?" He demanded. 

  Leon stepped out of the car, Taka's watch in his hand. He laughed sheepishly. "Kinda. I noticed you left your watch, and turned around to bring it back. I saw you walking to another neighborhood, and I got curious." Suddenly he pointed a dramatic and accusatory finger at Taka. "But you lied to me!" 

  Taka's face felt hot with shame. "I-I may have, but you kept pestering me! What was I supposed to do?" 

  Leon shrugged and started walking towards Taka, locking his car doors. "Whatever man, I'm here now! You might as well make up for lying to me by letting me in." He teased, handing Taka his watch. 

  Taka snatched his watch and turned away stubbornly, fixing it back onto his wrist. "You showed up unwanted and followed me home no less! You should be ashamed of yourself, Kuwata-kun!" He glanced anxiously at his house and wondered if Leon was judging him or not. He knew Leon came from a middle class family, so what if he's thinking less of him now that he's looking at his lower class home? "I have to do homework anyway, and I cannot have any distractions." 

  "Oh come on man, don't be a dweeb." Leon nudged his side with his elbow. "It's almost like you don't wanna hang out with me!" 

  "I-it's not like that!" Taka played with his fingers anxiously as he fought for an excuse. "I have homework to do! And dinner to make!" 

  "I won't get in the way." Leon shrugged, flashing an innocent smile. 

  Taka sighed. He didn't want to argue anymore, and how could he say no to that cute face? "Fine. But if you get in the way, I will ask you to leave!" He turned and took out his house key. 

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