Chapter Ten

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Art by plzcallmeduck on Instagram
TW! Breakdown, panic attack, internalized homophobia
Things are getting interesting <333

  Taka was worried when Leon didn't walk through the door for class. He wondered if he had a part to play into why the baseball star wasn't here. Mondo made it here, so why wasn't the redhead here? After class, Taka decided to ask Mondo if he knew where he was.

  "Kyoudai, do you know why Leon isn't here?"

  "No idea. He didn't tell me anythin'." Mondo answered, looking around like he was searching for the shorter boy. "He's prob'ly skippin'."

  "Well that's no good!" Taka barked, holding his head high. "If he thinks he can escape his responsibilities, then he's dead wrong!"

  "What, you gonna bring him his homework or somethin'?" Mondo smiled with obvious humor in his voice, as if underestimating Taka's dedication and ability.

  "That's exactly what I'll do!"

  "Oh. Shit."

  "Language, Kyoudai!"

  "Sorry, sorry!" Mondo laughed, patting Taka's shoulder. "But hey, I can drive ya to his house if ya want."

"That would be very convenient, as I do not know where he lives! Thank you Kyoudai!"

  Mondo's eyes softened. "No problem."

  During free period, Taka sought out all of Leon's teachers and collected his homework. His bag would be heavier than normal, but it was okay, because as long as he could get the work to Leon, everything would be worth it. After attending the rest of his classes, he met up with Mondo outside.

  "So ya still gonna swing by Leon's place?" Mondo asked.

  "Of course! I meant it when I said I would bring all of his work to him!" Taka scolded lightly. "No one is weaseling their way out of their responsibilities if I can't help it!"

  "He's not gonna do the work anyway." Mondo handed him his helmet, and Taka took it graciously.

  "Then I will force him!"

  Mondo sighed and shook his head. "If ya think ya can, go ahead." He strapped on his helmet.

  "Will you be joining us, Kyoudai?" Taka strapped on his own helmet as Mondo swung his leg across the seat of his motorcycle.

  "Ah, no, I gotta gang meetin'. Gotta be there."

  Taka climbed on as well, securing his bag and wrapping his arms around Mondo's belly. Mondo stiffened. "That's okay then, I understand!" He pressed his cheek against the delinquent's back. "I hope you all have a fun time doing legal things then."

  Mondo laughed too loudly and shouted as he revved up the engine and kicked back the leg stand. "YEAH! ME TOO!"

  They started driving, and Taka was able to watch all the buildings fly by this time. The colors blended together, and Taka noticed that Mondo was going faster this time. Was he purposely going slow before? How thoughtful!

  Taka smiled and gently leaned closer, snuggling his body against Mondo's. He couldn't help but appreciate how built he was. He could clearly feel every muscle in Mondo's back being so pressed up against him like this. He liked being close to the delinquent. He couldn't exactly explain why it was so nice, but it left him with a warm feeling in his stomach and a newfound energy in his step. Taka tightened his grip slightly, just so he could feel his kyoudai's abs better. A beautiful, well defined six pack. As well as a bodacious chest, but Taka didn't want to touch that without permission.

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