Chapter Four

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Art by あ郎 on Pixiv
This was probably my favorite chapter to write so far :)

  Mondo arrived at the park way earlier than usual. Like, way earlier. Thirty minutes earlier than the usual time in fact. He didn't know why he felt the need to be so early. He just came here straight after school after feeling super anxious all day and his feet just took him to their normal meeting spot on a bench near the lake. He bounced his leg and watched the ducks and turtles play in the water as he thought about yesterday.

  Leon talked to Taka for Mondo. And after talking to him, came to Mondo and said, "I know what you see in him now." He couldn't tell if Leon was joking or not and ultimately came to the conclusion that he was. Until Taka informed him that the punk had driven Taka home. Home! Taka didn't trust Mondo with his address, but he trusted Leon! Somehow!

  Something is up, and Mondo was determined to know what.

  Once Leon gets here, we're gonna have a little chat in the bathrooms.

  Well, that depends on whether or not it turns out that Leon was serious about liking Taka too and was purposely making moves on him. It would be super suspicious that Leon developed these alleged feelings for Taka only after Mondo told him of his feelings. Either way, they had to talk. Whether it'd end in fists and a broken friendship was entirely up to Leon.

  He bounced his leg anxiously, pissed off at himself and at Leon and at Taka all at once! Why the fuck did he have to feel this way for his best bro? Why the fuck does Leon suddenly (supposedly) like Taka? Why does Taka have to be so fucking adorable that he (supposedly) grabbed the attention of another boy?

  Did Taka even swing that way?

  Oh man that'd be so fucking awkward if he didn't.

  He ran a hand through his hair, which was down again. Since Taka said he looked good with his hair down, he decided from now on, he'd keep it down. Maybe it'd increase his shot with Taka, but he had to admit he'd miss the pompadour. His brother used to style his hair in a similar manner, and it'd almost be like abandoning him all together if he ditched it for good.


  Now he's thinking about his dead brother.

  Not like that's new.

  Shut up, shut up, shut the FUCK up! Mondo slammed his head on the metal table until a dull pain shot through his skull and distracted him. He rubbed his head painfully, but at least he wasn't thinking about Daiya anymore.

  God fucking dammit.

  It's been three years, you'd think Mondo would get over something like that! Someone as strong as Mondo could get over anything. Even after something as traumatic as killing his own brother because he felt the need to prove himself.

  "Shut up, shut up, shut up." He murmured to himself, holding his head tightly and squeezing it with each breath he took. "Shut up, shut up!"

  "Damn we didn't even say anything yet." Mondo flinched as he heard Leon's voice behind him and he whipped his head around to face him and Taka.


  "Buuut, if you wanna shut me up yourself..." Leon stuck his tongue out and winked. "I'd be more than happy to comply."

  "You're here early, Kyoudai!" Taka greeted with a smile, as if Leon's comment completely went over his head. Or he chose to ignore it.

  Mondo felt his nerves calm down and the tension in his muscles loosen. Taka's presence alone gave him a feeling of safety and warmth, but he still had unfinished business with Leon.

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