14. The Rook's Gambit

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The annual cartel meet stood the test of times. The heads of all cartels attended that meeting every year, making their presence known.

Then there was another meeting; one which only the Moralez attended. One, where we greased the law enforcement agencies to look the other way while we did business. A happy, ignorant government fostered our business.

Antonio had asked me to command the gathering. I was surprised when he choose me. The calm headed, Agustin, usually conducted the meetings with the Justice Department and other agencies.

Maybe Agustin was put onto something more useful than being the smiling Moralez puppet. Or maybe, Anto was seeing if I was capable of leading the men in his absence.

Since knowing the truth about my father, Pedro's death and carrying the knowledge that Carlos murdered him, I bided my time.

Nothing should appear altered in me. Nothing.

The Moralez shouldn't know that I knew their deepest secret.


Much of the discussion with the Justice Department and the patrolling squad was about how we would cross borders without being followed. There were times when a greedy agent or two tried displaying their might, halting our supplies.

Once, Agustin shot an officer of the Justice Department who wanted more money than what he agreed at the beginning of our deal. Since then, every law enforcement agent feared him.

I guess, my presence was to calm anyone enraged by Agustin's actions.

What Antonio forgot to understand, I was as feared as any other Moralez.

"What do you think, amigos?" I asked the agent sitting in the room. "You think this will work?"

The proposal was to ensure the Russians were able to trade in the country without any restrictions. As promised, Mikhail and Mishka delivered the goods. They fetched the best quality stuff from Brazil and Columbia.

It was our turn to ensure our ranking officers didn't stop the consignments.

A tall and slender officer raised his hand. "What if there is a foreign intel who want us to take action. Then our hands would be tied." After an apprehensive pause, he began. "You know the present Governor is very strict on drugs trafficking. He's coming down hard on everyone with corruption charges."

Tilting my head, I scanned him. "What's your name?"

"Francisco, jefe," clearing his throat, he stood up. When Antonio gestured him to sit, he held the sides of his chair and adhered. "We want to serve under you but Governor Jorge is making our lives miserable. He isn't a man who can be bought."

"Anyone can be bought, Francisco." I stood up and walked across the room to address everyone. "You just need to know what price they sell at."

Francisco straightened in his seat. So did everyone. The power I carried in my name and command did induce fear. They knew I wasn't a man to be messed with.

"We'll look into Governor Jorge," Antonio addressed. "Meanwhile, I want you all to be on alert. We know with the external forces trying to gain control over our country, there isn't much we can do but I still want you all to know, we will help you all no matter what. Your families will be protected as promised, and so will you."

With the leader taking over, the crowd of nervous men calmed. They even managed a smile before taking off.

Only Francisco remained back.

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