Part 20. (Insert Christmas Song here)

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Author note: Merry early Christmas! Or Merry Christmas!

Depends on your timezone I guess.

"Merry Christmas, Trish!"

Doppio pulled the party popper. The little girl giggled at the sight of sparkling glitters and papers which flew in the air. They sat next to the Christmas tree and boxes of presents. Diavolo allowed them to decorate the living room for the special day. He did not celebrate it, but that man knew it was important for his daughter... and Doppio. That boy apparently never celebrated Christmas.

Trish looked at Doppio. "Can I open the gift now?"

"Sure. I cannot wait to see my present too."

There were not many gifts under the tree. Only two boxes where one belong to Trish and one belong to Doppio. Trish was not patient and ripped the wrapping paper with her hand. She found a rather messed knitted red scarf inside her present. Doppio laughed nervously at the gift. "I'm sorry. I try to make my own present, but I'm rather clumsy."

Trish wore the scarf around her neck. "I like it! Now open your gift."

Doppio opened his gift carefully. At first, Trish wanted to give him a sweater. However, she scratched the idea because Doppio wore it almost every day. He decides to get him a long warm trench coat for the winter. Trish was happy with her decision since Doppio suited the coat. She was grateful for the hefty allowance from her father every week.

Finding a gift for Doppio was easier than finding a present for her father. What did she suppose to buy a guy who had everything in the world? He even had access to obtain any items legally and illegally. Trish had no idea what she should buy for Diavolo.

"Do you think Padre will like the present?"

The pink-haired boy smiled. "I'm sure he will."


There was not much problem occurred during Christmas in the crime rate. Everyone preferred to stay home in the house with family or friends. Diavolo for once decided to do something different thing that day. He was sitting in the most exclusive restaurant and given the best seat in the place. The view of the city lights beside the window glass was stunning. The taste of the beverage in his hand was excellent. The Chef owed him, and Diavolo was there for the debt. Everything was perfect, except for one thing.

Instead of a gorgeous woman, he sat across a second-grader.

"Can I have a sip of your drink?"

"No. Go order another grape juice."

Diavolo stared at his daughter. That man could not believe he had a hard time choosing a present. Bribing corrupt old men was easier than picking a gift for a little girl. Doppio suggested something meaningful, but that just made Diavolo more puzzled. He finally settled on a present after many suggestions from the narcotic and assassination team. Now the problem was the timing to give it to her.

Trish was busy pretending to read the menu. She still had the present in the bag. Diavolo noticed she was being giddy and anxious the whole time. "What is it? Just spill anything you want to say."

Trish was frustrated. She pulled out a black box from her purse, making her father stunned. "What is it?"

"It's a Christmas present for you, dummy!"

Diavolo opened it and found a new pair of leather gloves. A strange warm feeling spread across his chest. He did not understand the fuzzy thing inside his heart. It was a reaction Trish had never seen before. His expression was a mix of surprised and confused. "You don't like the gift?"

"Not. It's just... I have never received a Christmas gift before. Thank you..."

"It's not like I choose it specifically. I just noticed you come home with tattered gloves and thought you might need it."

Trish made a careful choice with her gift. He knew it was a custom made item. They never sold such high-quality gloves. Diavolo could guess it from the material and stitching. "Where did you buy it?"

"Somewhere. I just told the shop that this is a gift for 'someone special'.

Diavolo chuckled. The mental image of a little girl with two scary bodyguards who threatened a craftsman was ridiculous. Now it was his turn to give Trish her present. "This is yours."

He put a big brown envelope on the table. Trish frowned at the gift. Nevertheless, she opened it to see inside. It was just a bunch of papers with many difficult words. Before she raised any question, Diavolo gave her a hint. "Read the address."

Trish read the location and went speechless.

It was the house certificate of her house in Italy.

"This... This is..."

"I bought it five times the normal price. The owner sold it without complaint. You can live again in there when you visit Italy."

Tears spilt from her eyes, but the little girl was smiling. It was tears of happiness. That present was more precious than any jewels in the world. It contained the memory of her mother and their life together in the past. She was the most important and dear thing to her.

"Thank you!"

Diavolo smiled and wiped his daughter tears. "Merry Christmas, Trish."

Author note:

I don't celebrate Christmas (different religion), but someone invites me to celebrate it. The food is calling my name anyway.

Also, you might want to prepare yourself for the next chapter.

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