Part 18. Spooky Scary Skeleton

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The date was October thirty first. The city was bustling with decoration and people in costume. Trish never celebrated Halloween before, so she asked her father permission to go 'trick or treat". Much to her surprise, Diavolo allowed it without any complaint.

Trish had made a plan with her friends to go around the neighbourhood. Doppio dropped her at Brando residence. She lived in the middle of nowhere and needed someone to navigate her way. Since Giorno was her closest friend and his father was friendly with her father, Trish chose him to show the way.

The girl rang the doorbell. When the door opened, a dinosaur jumped at her. She screamed at the sight, but it laughed at her reaction. It only took Trish a second to guess the dinosaur was fake. A man who resembled Giorno's father popped out his head from the costume.

"Trick or treat!"

Giorno appeared behind him and complained about his impolite behaviour. "Uncle! You're scaring her!"

"Sorry for that little girl. Forgive me, would you? Here, have some sweets." The young man gave her expensive chocolates. Her eyes were sparkling at the sight of it pouring into her bag.

"Hello, Trish!" Giorno Brando (Dio changed his last name since he did not want to remember the wench) greeted her with glee. He wore a fake fang in his mouth. His costume consisted of a white shirt, red vest, white cravat and black cape.

"Are you a vampire? It looks good!"

"Thank you. Your costume is pretty."

Trish wore a puffy purple dress with sparkles and a real tiara on her head. Her jewellery, albeit looked fake was real. She carried a pink pumpkin bag to match her clothes. Trish refused to use cheap Halloween costumes while Diavolo only provided the best. She asked for a custom made costume.

"Your father is not at home?"

"No, he's going to another party with his priest friend. Uncle supposes to go with me."

"You can watch yourself, right?" Diego leaned on the wall. "I'm going to a college costume party with Hot Pants. Don't tell your father. I don't want Silver Bullet to end up in a glue factory."

Giorno nodded. However, a secret called for a bribe. "What do I get?"

"A full day trip to the museum, just you and me."

The blonde boy was gleaming at the gift. After Diego left, Giorno and Trish walked down the street to meet Mista, Narancia and Fugo. On their way, a boy spotted them and waved his hand. They did not recognise the person until he opened a werewolf mask.

"Mista, nice costume!"

"Thanks! I'm spending my whole saving to buy this sweet mask. They're soft too."

They next ambled to Narancia place. He lived together with Bruno Buccelatti and Leone Abbacchio. Before pressing the bell, they heard someone calling them. Narancia was hiding behind a huge pot. "Psst, over here!"

"What are you doing in there?" asked Giorno.

"I was forbidden to trick and treat during Halloween after the last incident!"

Mista was laughing. "The one where you set fire to a tree?"

"That and the one with loud ambulance serene."

Trish giggled at his outfit. "Is that why are you wearing toilet paper?"

"Emergency situation called for an emergency costume."

"This time they won't ground you for pranking but for spending the stock of toilet roll."

The gang walked down to pick up their last member, Fugo. Mista was worried for him. "I hope he can go trick and treat. His parent is pretty strict."

It was a surprise to see that boy had been waiting for them in front of his house. Mista was happy to see him. "Fugo! I thought you won't go this year."

"My grandmother asked my parent to let me go this year."

Between all of them, Fugo had the best costume. He was the only kid that painted his face. Four of them were impressed. His painting skill made the children clap their hands. "Is that Frankenstein? I know you're good with one's hands, but I didn't expect it to be this great!"

"Actually, Frankenstein it's the name of the doctor, not the monster."

Giorno nodded in agreement while Narancia rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. Can we go get some candies now?"

They went trick and treat. The people around the neighbourhood gave them a lot of sweets. Near the end of the night, they collected a lot of candies. The children were comparing their bags with each other. Mista found some of the bitter types of confectionery in his sack. "Oh, man, I don't like this candy."

Narancia felt the same way. "Me too."

Trish extended her hand. "Can I have it?"

"Sure. I'm not going to eat it anyway."

They exchanged sweets and chocolate. In the middle of barter, she heard the voice of distress. The children found two bigger boys tormented younger kids. They bullied and took the candies from the smaller children. This enraged the whole team. Trish threw a pebble at them and stood bravely in front of the bullies. "Hey! Pick up someone your size!"

Everyone knew their role. Giorno stared at the kids, giving them a signal to run away. Fugo made sure the coast was clear. Narancia and Mista prepared themselves for the scramble. The bully laughed at them, considering smaller grader students initiated a fight. "What are you going to do? Run and tell your parent?"

Five of them looked at each other. Mista and Narancia pounced them hard. The bullies were surprised and fell down in into an empty alley. The children grinned and pulled out shaving cream from their bag. People had been gracious that they never used their 'trick' to get candy. Now would be a good time to use it. Trish smirked, swiping her thumb on her neck.

"Get them."

The scream in the alley never made it into the main street. The bullies went home in defeat and shame. Their whole body was sticky and covered in white cream. Two of them learnt their lesson on that spooky night. They never messed around anymore since that day.

The night got darker as five of them were getting tired. Everyone went back before their parent became worried. Trish pulled out his phone to call Doppio. The little girl heard his phone ring behind the bush. Trish sighed and put back her phone. "Doppio, I know you've been following me."

The young man was reluctant. He came out from his hiding spot. "I'm sorry. Your father ordered me to tail you."

"Well, I already guessed it. There's no way he let me go without surveillance."

"I'm sorry.... Did I disturb you?"

"Don't worry. It's already over. Everyone went back home."

Doppio smiled at her. "So, how is your first Halloween?"

"It's fun! I met my friends, collected a lot of candies and even played a trick!"

They held his hand and got back to the house. Trish shared her portion with Doppio. When Diavolo returned home, he found a leftover for him. Trish left some bitter candies and chocolate for him. Diavolo ate it as a midnight snack.

"It's good."

Author note: Happy Halloween folks!

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