Part 24. All's Well That Ends Well

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The plane began to depart from the lane. Trish arrived only to feel despair over the situation. Her father would leave and never come back. She could not let it happen.


"Trish, wait!"

Her body moved instinctively to catch up with the plane. She kept calling her father, hoping her voice would win against the plane engine. Bruno was too late to stop her. Diavolo heard her faint voice but disregarded it. He must be hearing things because he missed her.

"Wait, is that Trish?!" Risotto was surprised to see her. Prosciutto followed him and watched from the window. "Why is she in the plane lane? That's dangerous!"

Diavolo's eyes widened at his words. He looked out to the window and saw Trish running behind the plane. Her legs were too small, and she ran out of stamina. It was nothing but a futile effort. However, Trish refused to give up. She continued running with all of her might. Despite her hard work, the little girl fell to the ground when her foot tripped the ground. Tears fell into her cheek as her legs were too tired to move. Her hand extended to the air, trying to reach the plane that went further away from her.

"Please don't go away..."

Diavolo watched everything from the plane. He stood up and walked away from his seat. That man abruptly opened the door, causing a whirlwind to blow everything inside. Risotto and Prosciutto were dumbfounded. The assassination team leader dashed to the cockpit to warn the pilot. Meanwhile, Prosciutto held into the seat while stopping Diavolo from doing anything reckless. "Wait, boss. The plane is moving. Don't do anything dangerous. You're going to- HOLY SHIT!"

Diavolo ignored his warning and jumped from the plane. That man injured himself when he hopped over three meters in height. He limped toward Trish, ignoring all sense and logic. They finally met each other again. The little girl no longer cared about her scraped knee and arms. The first thing he did was hug her. Trish was crying loudly in his arms. She spoke between her sniffles.

"Stupid, padre!"

"Trish, I only bring harm to you... You deserve a better family."

"I don't care!" She stared at him with a face filled with determination. Her green eyes were glittering like an emerald. "There are a lot of things we have not done yet! I want to travel through the world, go out shopping and spend more of my time living with you. No one can replace my father!"

That man was speechless when at her words. Diavolo did not know what possessed him. He knew his action was wrong, but his heart refused to listen. He did not want to be separated from her again.

For the first time in his life, Diavolo let out tears.

"What... is this?"

He touched his cheek in confusion. That man could not stop the tears from falling down. Diavolo was relieved, but nowhere felt emotional at their reunion.

Perhaps he was not the one who was crying.

Trish was surprised to see the sight of tears rolling down his cheek. "Padre, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, it is tears of happiness. Doppio is just happy to see you." Diavolo wiped his cheek. "I don't know how to stop this."

Trish put her arms behind his neck. It was her turn to make things right. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay."

Diavolo could not help but smile weakly at her. He hugged back his daughter while holding on to this feeling. He would not repeat his mistake toward Donatella with his own daughter. This would be his new path from now on.

"Let's go home."

Trish heard Doppio in his voice. She nodded while smiling at her father.

The rest of the assassination team and her friends managed to catch up. They watched the reunion from afar. Everyone was satisfied with his happy ending, even Pesci was crying after watching the scene. Diavolo managed to bury the incident in the airport using his power. Prosciutto used his sweet talks while Sorbet and Gelato pulled out bribe money to fix everything. Their plan for Italy was cancelled. Everything would return back to its place.

Bruno was reluctant, but he understood Trish's wishes. She did not want to be separated from her father. It might be a little, but Bruno saw something in Diavolo. For a ruthless man to show such a caring expression to his daughter definitely meant something. He allowed Trish to stay with his father under his supervision.

Risotto now was staring at both parent and daughter. Trish suffered some minor injuries like scratches and bruises. Meanwhile, Diavolo fractured some bones in his body. It was a miracle how he still moved. He would not be able to do his job for a while.

"Do you need anything else, boss?"

"I'll call you back if we need something."

Risotto bowed down and then left his room. Diavolo was relieved, he kept the house instead of selling it. He did not expect everything would lead to this situation. He was forced to lay in bed because of his stupidity. The old him probably would not do such a reckless manoeuvre.

Trish sat next to him. "So you and Doppio are the same person?"


"But how?"

"It's complicated. Are you sure you want to know the story? It might be too heavy for you."

"It's okay. I want to know more about padre."

In the end, he told her about everything. Diavolo told everything from his childhood, how he met Donatella and learnt about her existence. Trish was silent hearing the whole story. "Does Doppio know about this?"

"Not everything. He knows we share a body, but has no realm to pursue more of it. That boy understands his limit." He paused for a moment.

"If you meet him, please tell him what happens today."

Trish nodded, trying her best not to close her eyes. The thrilling adventure today made her tired. Diavolo realized it was past her bedtime. "Let's go to sleep. This whole day was exhausting."

Trish lay next to him and fell asleep. She did not know how long she was resting, but her father changed into Doppio when she woke up.

"Trish! Why are you here? Wait, are we at home? Am I dreaming? I'm supposed to be in Italy."

He yelped when Trish pinched his cheek. It was enough to tell him that was reality. She told him everything happened yesterday. Doppio was a bit surprised listening to her story. Trish managed to melt the boss's heart, making him do the unbelievable thing.

"That explains the padding and my aching body."

"Yeah, he fell from a pretty high height."

"But Trish, are you okay with this? You might involve in danger again."

Trish was pouting, "You're saying the same thing as padre. I don't care about it. I still want to be with him and you."

Doppio chuckled since he could not contain his happiness. He caressed her hair with his hand. "It's nice to have you back."

The new fact did not change their relationship. She accepted her father's flaws with all her heart. They smiled at each other and enjoyed this heartwarming moment.

All of them remained the same, even after she left the nest.

Author note: The epilogue will be the last chapter.

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