Part 21. Hello Darkness My Old Friend

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Trish must admit that Diavolo was an asshole, but had a cool taste. That girl enjoyed the envy and impressed look of the other students. She rode an open red Ferrari on her way to school. She also could not spend the $50 Diavolo gave each day. He could not fulfil her emotional void, but at least he could fill her pocket.

"I will pick you up after school. Don't go with a stranger."

"I have a feeling the stranger will be more in danger than me."

Diavolo looked around the school. The security was less tight than usual. The police that usually patrolled around the area or undercover agents that tried to catch him unguarded was nowhere to be seen. That man recognized some people on the street. Some of them came from distinct mafia organizations.

He frowned. Someone had tampered with the school security.

"Be careful. I mean it."

Her father showed a rare expression of worried. Trish nodded her head and heeded his advice. The lesson time passed without any incident. After school was over, Giorno and Trish waited for their parent together. They spoke about their fathers "unique business". The blonde kid listened to her story until someone caught his gaze.

"Trish, do you know that man?"

She glanced at the corner of the wall after Giorno whispered to her. They saw a young boy in their teen leaning against the wall. Trish did not recognize that man and had a bad feeling about that person. Before something awful happened, Giorno pulled her hand and ran away to hide. Unexpectedly, his subordinate emerged right in front of them. He was about to grab both of them before someone interfered.

"Excuse me. Do you have any problem with my son?"

Dio Brando was standing with hands on his arm. The intimidating lawyer glared at the criminals. The piercing stare was enough to make the young men run away. Dio Brando was a well-known figure in the city. No one wanted to go against a man that could put you in jail.

Trish was relieved and bowed down at his saviour. "Thank you so much, Mister Brando."

He stared at the little girl, feeling pleasant toward her polite gratitude. "Don't mind it. This means your father owes me again. Besides, something is wrong with this school. How can they let thugs wander around? I am going to fill a complaint, and they must listen to it."

Waiting outside the school was too much risk. The next day, Trish waited inside the school. Jolyne was with her because his father would come late. She told Trish about the seal tank incident. It was funny hearing the animals ran outside without surveillance and created chaos on their way.

They were busy talking until both heard a loud thump. Jotaro Kujo punched a janitor without any warning. Bruno and a few staff came out of the room after hearing the sound. They did not need much explanation after looking at the unconscious man on the floor.

"Mister Kujo, there's better a good explanation for this."

He pulled down his hat. "This man had been watching the girls. I had a feeling he was up to no good."

"Wait a second...." Abacchio looked down at that man face. "He is not the school janitor! How can he wear the uniform?"

Bruno confirmed that the man did not belong to the school. Trish's face went pale. They even infiltrated the school just to kidnap her. Fortunately, every time Brando and the Kujo were involved, the school always took a drastic measure. The school security became strict the next week. They ran through every school administrator and staff, doubled the securities and set new regulations for the safety of the students. Other than Giorno and Jolyne, many children came from renowned parents enrolled in the school. They did not want to risk any incident involving the kids.

No suspicious people sneaked or walked around the school. Trish could finally take a relieved breath. She could wait for her pick up without any worries.

Her days were peaceful since the new restrictions were set up. That day was Doppio turn to pick her up. Trish dashed to him, almost causing the frail boy to fall down.

"Doppio, you're late!"

The young man chuckled. "I'm sorry. I had an errand to do. Let's go home now."

Their journey back to their house was quiet. Trish almost dozed off in the car until Doppio stomped on the brake abruptly. She was lucky to wear her seatbelt. "Ow, my head! Doppio, be more careful."

"I'm sorry, it's just..."

They saw an injured man lying down on the street. Doppio rushed to that man side while Trish remained in the car. He worried that the man was a victim of a hit and run. Doppio was slowly kneeling to check his condition.

"Are you-"

Before Doppio finished his sentence, that man smashed a pipe against his head. Trish was frozen at the scene. More people came out from hiding places. They had been waiting for them to pass the street.

It was an ambush.

Doppio used his last strength to utter last words. "Trish, run away..."

She got out of the car and ran away as fast as she could. That girl has no choice but to go through the wood. Unfortunately, the men managed to catch her. Trish escaped from the clutch and bit the man arms. That man screamed in pain and threw her to the ground.

"Behave or we will kill this boy!"

They dragged Doppio's body next to her. Trish was horrified to see his condition. He had bruised and injured all over his face. Doppio was in that position because of her.

"What should we do about the other one?"

"Well, our boss just told us to bring the little girl. We don't need the boy."

"No, stop! Don't hurt him!"

Trish scream died in their ears as they attacked Doppio without mercy. That girl could not do anything but beg and sniffle. She was crying at the hopeless situation. That boy slowly lost his consciousness. His last vision was Trish's sorrowful expression. The kidnappers stopped after Doppio no longer moved.

"This boy is tougher than he looks. We don't need to stay here any longer. Let's wrap it up and get back."

They took her away with force. Trish struggled to fight back and kept calling his name. However, Doppio did not budge until the end. Trish was in tears trying to reach him.

"Don't... touch her..."

Trish heard her father voice for a moment.

Doppio stood up from his place. He looked different than usual. His eyes had changed into a deranged person, taking off the mask of an innocent boy into a madman.

"Shit, how can he still be alive? Attack-"

Doppio grabbed that man head and bashed it to the ground. Everyone was shocked at his strength and movement. Doppio turned his head and spoke to her with a cold tone.

"Be a good kid and hide yourself."

While everyone attention was directed to him, Trish used the opportunity to flee. She hid behind a big tree and a bush. Trish listened to the advice and did not move from her spot. While she was safe, she could not help but felt terrified. That girl heard the horror through her ears. The sounds of screaming men, gunshots and death filled the air. Her body was trembling out of fear.

After a few minutes passed, the situation became eerily quiet. Trish flinched when someone stepped on the branch. That man appeared again before her. This time Trish recognized that face.

"Padre... but Doppio.... I don't understand...."

Diavolo expression was painful.

His last words rang inside her mind.

"Playing house is over."

Author note:

Me, creating a cliffhanger: Oh no! Anyway!

(I end up dividing the title because the reference to that meme is too damn long.)

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