Part 17. Hard to Swallow Pills: Diavolo Cares

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Diavolo opened his eyes and gasped. He woke up with a twitch on his head. That man could not believe he met Donatella in his sleep. It was strange since he never had a dream before. Diavolo either had long deep slumber or barely slept for a whole day. He covered his face with his hands, wondered what his past lover tried to tell him.

Someone had been knocking on his door. Only one person was brave enough to do it. Diavolo opened the door to see Trish was standing in front of his room. The little girl puffed her cheek. "You're late for breakfast. I'm starving."

"You can always go ahead or have someone take it to your room. We own this hotel."

"But I don't like having breakfast by myself."

Trish had been acting boldly lately. Diavolo found himself too tired to argue. "Wait a few minutes. I need to change clothes."

The sight of him walking with Trish made everyone shocked. They finally confirmed the rumour about his daughter. The reception of the news was rather mixed. Few people still feared him while some warmed up to him. They thought Diavolo was not cruel as he appeared. After all, that man took care of his own flesh.

Well, they were wrong. He only did it to protect his secret, nothing more.

The breakfast at the hotel was scrumptious. After taking some food, they sat in the corner. Diavolo frowned when he saw Trish's portion. He put more food on her plates.

"Eat more, you're still growing."

"Wait, that's too much!"

Despite her complaint, she cleaned out her plate. Diavolo was satisfied after watching her eating. He had a tough time in the past related to food. Making sure she was well fed was the least thing he could do.

Diavolo munched his sandwich while watching his daughter. Looking back and now, there was a clear difference in her expression. Trish gradually smiled and relaxed more in front of him.

"Have you packed your stuff?"

"Yes. Doppio helped me last night."

It was their last day in Italy. They would be back tomorrow morning. Trish was happy with her holiday in Italy. She had done everything she wanted. Trish shopped at the best store, played on the beach and visited the nearest tourist spot location. She could not wait to tell her friends about it.

She decided to stroll around the hotel because she could not go out on the last day. Everyone was friendly because of her father. However, some workers just adored her for being cute. Just like her mother, Trish held pride in her looks. Being a beautiful little girl had its perk.

She visited back the beach since it was near the hotel. Trish saw Diavolo sitting outside while smoking. He was deep in thought about his dream. The little girl walked and sat next to his side. She hummed an unknown song about the sky and sun.

Were it a normal person, they would leave in fear or discomfort. He would sit and watch the sea alone.

Diavolo hated to admit it, but Dio was right. He grew attached to Trish. Having someone staying next to him without being wary about their goal was nice. In the past, it would never happen because of his paranoid mind and experiencing betrayal. He never trusted anyone to stay next to his side.

At least no one but his own daughter.

"I'm sorry."

Trish was confused. The little girl looked at him. "For what?"

"Everything, I guess. First... for pointing a gun at you."

"Yeah, that one was awful."

"Second, for never see Donatella."

Trish was silent. She did not expect her mother to be part of the conversation. Yet, no tears fell into her cheek. Diavolo saw her expression darkened. Perhaps her anger and resentment won against her sadness.

"In my defence, I did not if she had a child."

"If you knew, would you come back?"

Diavolo was silent. He had no reply to that question. After all, everything was an "if". He could never rewind what he had done in the past. His answer and his current present remained the same. That man decided to shift the topic.

"How was she at the end?"

"She kept asking whether you came to visit or not."

"I see."

There was nothing but the sounds of the wave between them. Trish looked down while asking him another question. "Why did you never see her again?"

"Why would I? I threw away my past. I climbed my way up to be a mafia leader. I lied about myself to her. I-"

He was silent. That man realized why he never looked back in the first place.

"I don't deserve her. She is better without me."

Trish was surprised at his answer. Her expression looked relieved. He finally confirmed his feeling to Donatella. "I always thought mother was stupid for thinking about the past. Now, I'm glad her feeling is not one-sided."

"Donatella.... is special. Perhaps she knew about my lies, yet still loved me the way I am."

"Yeah, and you left a good woman."

"Wow, thanks for the salt." He laced it with sarcasm. "Let's go back. The wind is getting harder."

Trish tugged his shirt. "Thank you for taking me to Italy, Padre."

Diavolo was frozen. Trish called him "father" for the first time.

A smile bloomed at his lip. "You're welcome, Principessa."

They held hands and went inside the building. The little girl stared at Diavolo. His poker face was mixed with a certain emotion. It made her remember the conversation she had with her mother in the past.

"Mom, why do you like him?"

Her answer was straightforward. "He's an attractive man."

Trish was pouting at the joke while Donatella laughed at her response. She caressed her daughter head with love. "Perhaps because I attracted to his solitude. Despite his bright personality, he seems distant and always looks... lonely."

Donatella was right. Diavolo was a lonely man.

Trish held his hand tightly. It would be okay because he had her now.

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