Part 4. I Love Going To School (Said No One Ever)

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"Can't believe you make me come to fuckin school,"

"Monello. You don't have anything to do at home anyway."

Diavolo and Trish walked to an elite school. Despite being a top tier horrible father, he refused to let Trish go to school without the best accommodation. Ivy-league elementary school was a prestigious place with a great reputation. Most of the students went to university and got a bright future in any field (Dio recommendation).

They passed a rather eccentric security man. He had long white hair, wore black lipstick and had the sourest expression Trish had ever seen. "Abbacchio" was written on his name tag. She described him as "World Most Unfriendly Security Man" because of his resting bitch face. Even Diavolo could not help but chuckle at her statement.

The security stopped Diavolo and checked his entire body. The scanner made a lot of loud sounds when Abbachio scanned him. Diavolo was annoyed, but he put down his gun on the security table. Abbachio did his job one more time only to hear another loud sound came behind his jacket. Diavolo knew the goth security would be immune to the threat. Therefore he slipped some dollars into his hand then bribed him. They finally passed and went into the front desk.

Shirley Manson was surprised to see Diavolo. In her whole life, she never saw such an intimidating tall muscular man with long pink hair. He was glaring at her without speaking. Unlike Mr. Bruno Buccelatti, who had his way of dealing with a cranky, mad and monster parent, she was an absolute newbie on it. Ms. Manson was trembling upon his presence.

"I'm here to enrol my daughter."

"Oh..." Ms. Manson returned to earth. "Wait for a second. Let me take the form."

It was not common for a new student to enter the school in the middle of the semester. Parents just had to pay plenty of money to enrol their children. The school changed the rule since the recession of the economy. Some parents were generous enough to give a big donation to the school. They either had a big heart or a hidden agenda. Some parents wanted the best treatment for their children. Dio once bribed them to get Giorno a holiday.

Of course, the request was rejected.

He wrote Solido Naso on the paper. It was a fake name he might as well used to avoid disturbance.

Diavolo filled the form with excessive speed. "When can my daughter join the class?"

"Well, it usually takes one week or..."

"Make it for three days."

It was a demanding tone. Ms. Manson swallowed her saliva. She might lose her sleep to the task, but it seems like a safe choice. The poor woman nodded in agreement. Ms. Manson swore Diavolo could slip a gun from security (which he did) and shot her in the place (which he could). She did not want to be a victim of a school shooting and made it to the news headline.

Diavolo and Trish finally left the place. The news about Don Mafia of Passione had a daughter, spreading like a wildfire. Since that day, every teacher and parent would be given a warning. If you ever saw a parent with pink hair: threw away your dignity and did everything he told you. You did not want to wake up next to the dead head horse or sleep with the fish.


It was the first day of her school. Trish was terrified.

"I'm scared."

Trish always façade a brave face, but this time she was being honest. There were more than twenty students inside the classroom. She was afraid of making fun of herself. Fortunately, Bruno Buccellati was her homeroom teacher. He was able to handle this sort of situation.

The bob haired man smiled at her, "It will be fine. I am here to help."

His words made Trish became less worried. They went inside the noisy room. Conversation between students overlapped with another and sounded like gibberish. It turned silent the moment Buccellati entered the class. He introduced her to the rest of the students. "Everyone, please be quiet. We get a new student today."

Bruno looked at her. Trish knew it was her cue to talk. "My name is Trish Una. I am from Italy. Nice to meet you."

The class became noisy in instant. She could hear them loud and clear. Trish felt a knot on her stomach. Most of it was about Diavolo. Parents probably warned their children about him. They were wary about her father tied to the underground world. This made her felt anxious. The situation was worse than in her previous school. At least that time, she did not know anything about her father.

"Hey, Trish!"

She heard a familiar voice.


Trish had never been this glad in her entire six-year-old life when she discovered herself in the same class as Giorno. The blonde young man was waving his hand at her. There was an empty spot on his right side. She walked quickly and sat next to him. Giorno's desk was on the second left row from behind. In front of him was a rather energetic and loud boy (surprisingly not female). Behind Giorno was a girl with bun braids and a butterfly shirt. She was sleeping, drooling on her desk. Next to her left side near the window was a boy with a strange-pompadour hairstyle. He kept talking with a boy in front of his desk. The boy with face scar replied to his friend while giggling.

After the recess bell rang, a lot of students came to her desk. They asked questions about Italy, her hobby, her preference and her father (which she answered with bare minimum information). School life was not as bad as she thought. It was more lively compared to stay in an empty house.

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