Part 25. Epilogue

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Trish forgot how many years had passed.

She was no longer living with her father. Trish revolted after Diavolo stood between her dreams. He would not allow her to be a singer since it would attract attention to his organisation.

After a huge quarrel, Trish ran away from home and stayed with Narancia and Bruno for a while. She took multiple part-time jobs to support herself before turning into a singer. It was not an easy path, but Trish managed with the help of her friends.

She was free, but it came at the price of cutting off her relationship with her father. Trish kept wondering about his well-being when they were separated. Despite his crude treatment, Diavolo cared about her. Even after she left her house, he always protected and supported her from shadow. The same thing also applied to Doppio. She missed his kind smile and spoiled treatment. The moment she spent with him was always filled with joy.

Diavolo asked himself whether he was a decent father. The answer was obvious: he was shitty at it. However, he was proud of her. He liked hearing Trish singing through the screen and found himself watching her. His other identity thought of the same thing. Looking at her photo in the magazine made him happy. He liked reading about her performance and made a special scrapbook about her. Doppio cried a lot when she left, but he did not want to be in the way of her dream.

Trish was a strong girl. She deserved the best.

Until the end, she never revealed anything about her father, Trish received many questions from the media and threats from people, but she refused to answer them. Even today, she ran away because some stubborn paparazzi chased after her. Before they found Trish, someone pulled her to a dark alley. That young woman was surprised and hit that person with her purse.

"Let me go!"

"Ow, ow, ow! Trish, it's me!"

Trish recognised that voice. Her eyes went wide. "Doppio?"

That man groaned in pain from the attack. He looked a little older now, which was fair since the original body hit the forties.

"Long time no see."

She did not say anything and hugged him. Doppio only smiled and hugged her back. Both ran away from the media and hid inside a restaurant from the backdoor. Instead of sitting in the dining area, they sat in the corner of the kitchen. The cook and waitress greeted him. He was a regular customer and direct subordinate of Diavolo, so they treated him with respect.

"This is one of the businesses that boss has. Don't worry. They will keep this meeting a secret."

"Good, I cannot take any more slander from third rate magazine."

The room was silent. Trish and Doppio looked down. They had so much to talk about but had no idea where to begin. Doppio decided to break the ice by speaking first. His voice stuttered from nervousness. "How- how are you?"

Trish smiled. "I'm fine, how about you? I hope padre does not give you trouble."

"Well, boss recently gave me a new job description."

Time passed when both had a fun conversation. They finally caught up with each other lives. Doppio remained incognito in Passione while Trish still worked on her new song. Unfortunately, Trish must leave when the clock struckt nine. She sighed, feeling rather sad at the goodbye.

"I must go home. I have a job tomorrow."

Doppio came up with an idea to cheer her. "How about meeting again in the same place?"

Trish agreed with the plan and came early the next week with her best outfit. She was excited to have lunch with Doppio. Trish was grinning until she heard someone open the backdoor. It turned out to be Diavolo.

Her smile turned sour.

"Is that how you greet your padre?"

"I'm sorry for expecting someone else."

He sat across her. "Doppio told me he had a surprise. What a disappointing present."

She rolled her eyes. "That supposed to be my line."

The silence was awkward. Unlike with Doppio, all Trish wanted was to utter sarcasm and salty remark. It was pretty inappropriate since it was their first meeting in several years. She did not want to start it with a fight.

"How is your day?"

Trish was surprised when Diavolo made small talk. That was new. "Fine, I guess. You?"

"The usual. Almost getting shot last night."

Trish noticed her father now had a wrinkle. Part of her became concerned about his age. "Do you have another fight with another mafia organisation?"

"Your friend put up quite a fight."

At first, she was stunned but then laughed at his words. The one who Diavolo mentioned must be Giorno. It was weird how he became a gangster with a father as a lawyer and an uncle who worked in government.

"He was not joking about his dream as Gangstar. That reminds me of the rumour of us dating from a shady magazine. Seriously, just because I hang out a lot with him does not mean I am his lover. If we use that logic, Mista, Fugo and Narancia will be my boyfriend."

"If it will make you better, they also create a rumour about me killing your mother."

Trish raised her eyebrows, "Did you?"

"If I did, you would not be sitting in front of me."


Diavolo tapped his finger on the table. "... Do you want me to take care of it?"

Trish sneered. "... No killing. Just wreck their office. I'll help."

Diavolo and Trish surprised the magazine by raiding their building with the mafia. The father and daughter just cackled watching them begging for merch. Since that day, they eventually found themselves meeting each other. It was a pleasant meal where they spoke at the opposite table. If Doppio showed up, they would talk about their daily life. If Diavolo showed up, they would talk about their work.

It turned into a special bittersweet moment for both of them. No matter how long the distance, their relationship would never be broken. Her father's dual identity was a secret that she cherished until the end.

They are two in one package.

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