Chapter 22

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A few hours later, Harry snuck out with Charlie and they were headed towards Gringotts to have a heritage test taken for Harry.. and to pick up Harry's supplies for his final school year at Hogwarts. Don't get him wrong, he loved Hogwarts. He just didn't care for the person who was headmaster. Dumbledore was a power hungry, manipulative old coot. He wanted the wizarding world to under his control and to worship him. It didn't matter to him who suffered or died in the pursuit of his ultimate goal.

Harry would do anything and everything he could to stop him. Or die trying.. although, he hoped it wasn't the latter now that he knew that he had a possible family. And Charlie of course. He also had his true friends to think about as well. He wanted to live for them. Harry came out of his thoughts when they finally reached Gringotts. Charlie looked down at Harry and smiled softly, "Ready?" Harry smiled back and nodded, "Yes. Let's go." They both walked up the steps and entered the bank.

They walked up to a goblin and he looked down at them with a scowl, "Yes? Can I help you?" Harry gave a courteous bow to the goblin, which shocked the goblin of course, and looked up at him again, "Sir.. I have recently discovered some irregularities in my heritage and would like to take a heritage test to confirm it please." The goblin nodded, "Of course. May I have your name?" Harry could've smacked himself for forgetting that, "My apologies, my name is Harry Potter." 

The goblin nodded once more and motioned to a goblin to come over. "Griphook, take Mr. potter to a back room and give him a heritage test." Griphook nodded and motioned for Harry to follow him. When Charlie started to follow as well, the goblin stopped him, "Only Mr. Potter can go, you must stay here." Charlie looked at Harry and Harry smiled softly at him before the door shut behind him.

Griphook had Harry sit down in a nearby armchair while he left the room for a moment. He came back with a needle and a piece of parchment. The parchment, Harry noticed, seemed to glitter with magic. Harry looked up at Griphook when the goblin began to speak, "I need a drop of your blood to activate the parchment." Harry grimaced but nodded and held out his finger. He winced for a second then watched as the parchment began to glow red once the blood hit it. After a few seconds, the glowing stopped and words began to appear on the parchment. Harry's eyes widened as he began to read it.

Name: Harry James Black(Potter - Adopted)
Age: 16 1/2
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Father: Regulus Black, (James Potter - Adoptive)
Mother: Lilly Riddle (Evans - Adopted)
Grandparents: Tom Marvolo Riddle & Sera Harting-Riddle, Orion Black & Walburga Black, (Euphemia Potter & Fleamont Potter - Adoptive)
Godparents: (Sirius Black), Severus Snape, Molly Weasley, Alice Longbottom
Guardian(Fake): Albus Dumbledoor
Guardian(True): Severus Snape
Heir To: Riddle, Black, Slytherin, Merlin, (Gryffindor, Peverell, Potter - Adoptive)
Vaults: Riddle, Black, Slytherin, Merlin, (Gryffindor, Peverell, Potter - Adoptive)
Total Amount of Gold: $587,624,910,037 + Several Estates
Stolen Amount of Gold: $2, 541, 306 and an engagement ring
Given to: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginerva Weasley, Albus Dumbledoor
Marriage Contract(Illegal): Ginerva Weasley to Harry Potter
Soulmate: Charlie Weasley
Magic Blocked by Albus Dumbledoor

Harry was in so much shock at his lineage. He never expected to have these people in his bloodline or to have SOOOO much money. He then saw what he had expected. He glared angrily at the parchment. He looked at Griphook when he finished, "Is it possible to get back what was stolen from me?" Griphook, who had seen the page as well, nodded fervantly, "Yes, we shall get on that immediately. We just need your gaurdian's approval first since you are still not of age yet." Harry nodded, "Yes, of course. May I firecall him?" Griphook nodded and pointed to the nearby fireplace.

Harry nodded to the goblin graciously and stood up to walk over to the fireplace and used the powder to call Severus. Once the man answered, Harry asked him if he could come through. Severus asked him to step back so he could. Harry did and out stepped Severus, who froze when he saw the goblin. "Harry? What is going on?" Harry showed Severus the parchment and the potions master nearly fainted from shock from what he read. He looked at Harry with wide eyes and Harry smiled, "I need your help getting back what was stolen from me."

Severus nodded, "Of course." He looked at the goblin, "What do I need to do?" Griphook gave him some papers and a quill with ink. "Just look over and sign these and we'll have Mr. Potter's money and items back where they belong." Severus looked at Harry, "You know this will alert Dumbledoor?" Harry frowned, "I don't care. I'm tired of tiptoeing." Serverus raised an eyebrow but looked over the papers and signed them." Griphook grinned with demented glee as the papers poofed away to be filed and looked up at Harry, "Is there anything else?" Harry nodded, "I would like that illegal marraige contract voided and my last name to be legally changed to Black."

Griphook nodded and produced more papers the Severus looked over and signed. "Done. You are now legally Harry James Black." Harry smiled as a sense of relief went over him. He felt his head being patted and looked up to see Severus smiling at him. He hugged the potions Master and watched as he left through the floo. Harry placed a hand in his pocket and pulled it out with some Gold he had before giving it to Griphook. "Thank you for all your help today Mr. Griphook." The goblin took the gold and bowed to Harry, "Of course Mr. Black. May your vaults of gold flourish." Harry smiled and left with Griphook to meet up with Charlie who was still waiting for him.

Harry walked over to Charlie and smiled at the dragon tamer, "All done! I'll tell you everything when we get back to the house." Charlie nodded and walked with Harry back to apperation spot that lead back to the Weasley house. Completely forgetting to buy Harry's supplies.

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