Chapter 11

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Harry sighed as Friday ended and Saturday began. It had been hard but he'd finally managed to convince Kreacher to help him with finding Regulus. The mean little elf was convinced for the longest time that Harry was lying to him.

Kreacher finally believed him when Harry revealed his blood ties to Voldemort/Tom by using a blood spell and letting the elf take the blood himself. But he also found out something else that surprised him.

James Potter wasn't his biological father! The spell didn't say who though. Oh well, he'll figure that out later but for now, find Regulus! Kreacher had popped back to Grimauld and popped back, giving Harry Regulus' hair brush with hair still in it.

Harry had thanked the elf and promised to find Regulus. He was shocked when the old house elf launched himself at Harry, glomping him with a hug.

Soon after, Kreacher let go and popped back to Gimauld but not before Harry made him swear on his loyalty to not tell Dumbledore and the order of what he told him about him and Tom. Which brings us back to the present.

He flooed to his grandfather's study early to get the scrying stone and a world map. Tom looked up when Harry stumbled into his study, "You're early. Won't the.. Dursley's notice?"

Harry brushed himself off and looked up at him, "No. They went on a two week holiday yesterday. I need a scrying stone and a world map." Tom's eyebrow rose, "What for?" Harry told him about seeing his mother and her telling him about Regulus.

If Tom was surprised, he didn't show it, "Hmm.. so he is still alive." "You knew?" Tom shook his head no, "I wasn't sure but I had a feeling." Harry nodded and watched as Tom retrieved what they needed.

He set down the map flat as Harry attached Regulus' hair to the scrying stone. Tom recited the locator spell and watched as the scrying stone began to twirl around the map. After a few minutes, it touched down in Japan or more specifically, Tokyo, Japan. Tom did a spell that gave them an exact address and apperated them there outside .

When they looked around, they noticed it was a shabby looking Japanese apartment in a shady neighborhood. Harry sighed and walked up the stairs with Tom close behind him. Tom had noticed that some of the Japanese street gang members were leering at Harry, sex clearly on their mind. He didn't want his grandson alone on this street.

They reached the room number that Regulus was supposed to be and knocked on the door. A few seconds later a scruffy, muscular man with unruly long black hair opened the door, "Can I help you?" He looked at Harry with a leering smirk causing Harry to blush, "W-We're looking for Regulus Black."

The man's face went from leering to cold when the name was stated, "He's not here." Tom decided to step in, "We know its you. We did a locator spell nd I know your face very well. You were one of my favorites after all."

Regulus' eyes widened when he realized who was at his door, "H-How?" Harry decided to speak up, "My mum, Lily. She pulled me into the spirit world and told me that you were still alive." Regulus' eyes closed as he thought of Lily. He opened his eyes and stepped back, "Come in." Harry smiled and went inside, Tom following him.

The last living Black male sighed as he closed and locked his door before walking into the living room where his two visitor's were waiting, "Sit down." Harry did so and Tom did so too, reluctantly. The couch looked rather dirty.

Regulus sat down in the chair across from them, "Now, explain to me why you two are working together. I've heard that you two are mortal enemies." Harry looked down sadly and Tom decided to explain. And he did.

He told Regulus about his story with Sera then Sera talking to Harry in the spirit world then to Sera's true demise and Dumbledore's involvement. Regulus sat silent, slowly taking in what Voldemort was saying.

He sighed when the other man was finished, "Well, I always had a sneaky suspicion about Dumbledore. Which is why I joined you. Then I just got tired of the war and decided to fake my death and leave."

He looked to Harry, "Does Sirius know?" Harry frowned, "I'm sure mum has told him." Regulus blinked, "Your mum?" Harry's sad look returned, "Sirius fell into the veil in the department of mysteries two years ago during my fifth year." Regulus looked pained, "Siri is dead?" Harry nodded, "He named me his successor."

Regulus nodded, still looking pained, "Because I was thought to be dead. I'm guessing my cousins Bella and Cissa are still alive." Tom nodded this time, "Yes. Narcissa is still married to Lucius and their son, Draco is Harry's age. Bellatrix.. she and her husband and brother-in-law were recovered from Azkaban two years ago."

Harry suddenly got mad, "She hit Siri with the killing curse before he fell into the veil." Regulus suddenly got angry, "Bella killed Siri?! That bitch!" Tom allowed them both to vent before asking them to calm down.

Harry looked at his watch, "Its almost time for the meeting." He looked over at Regulus, "Will you come back with us? Please?" Regulus smiled faintly at Harry, "Of course. I want to help you. Let me pack."

He pulled his wand out of his pocket and used a spelled to pack his things before shrinking them and putting him in his pocket, "Lets go." They all apperated to the glass house at the lake and waited for everyone to arrive.

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