Chapter 17

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Harry sighed softly. He was sitting on the sofa waiting for Remus and Severus to pick him up. The Dursley's were away to look after a sickly Marge in the countryside.

Dumbledork had sent him a letter stating that, for his safety, he was to stay at Grimmauld Place where the order would be able to "protect" him.

He scoffed. He no longer needed their protection. Ever since the meeting, he had been secretly training with Tom and Regulus. He now knew some wand-less magic, most of them healing spells.

He also knew more attack and defense spells. The three of them agreed that while Harry was at school he would continue to secretly train with his father and during the holidays he would train with both Tom and his father.

He was jolted out of his thoughts when the floo activated. He watched as Remus and then Severus came out of the fireplace.

Harry stood and hugged Remus as soon as the werewolf had dusted himself off. Remus smiled softly and hugged the little ravenette back.

Severus sighed, "As touching as this moment is.. can we get a move on? This place is too.. clean for my liking."

Remus chuckled, "Alright, alright. Now pup, where's you stuff?" Harry patted his pocket, "Already shrunk and ready to go."

Severus and Remus blinked in surprise. "How did you manage that?" Severus asked causing the ravenette to smirk, " Wand-less magic. Can we go?"

The couple shook their heads to get over the shock and nodded, all three of them leaving to Grimmauld Place via the floo. Harry had gotten better at using the floo system and hardly landed on his face anymore.

Harry brushed off his clothes and coughed a few times and was surprised to see Charlie starring at him. Harry practically leapt into Charlie's arms causing the older male to laugh heartily, "I missed you too my little raven."

Harry smiled at Charlie and nuzzled his chest causing the older male to chuckle again and run his fingers through his Harry's hair. A throat cleared itself causing both males to pull away from each other to see Severus looking at them.

Charlie nodded, "Hello Severus." Severus nodded and turned back to check on Remus. Harry looked up at Charlie, "How are you here? Did you get the job at Hogwarts as Professor of Care of Magical Creatures?"

Charlie chuckled at Harry's excited-ness and nodded, "Yes my little raven. I did." Harry brightened but soon he dimmed a bit when he heard what had to be Ron, Hermoine and Ginny coming down the stairs.

Harry grimaced when Ginny attached herself to his arm causing Charlie to glare slightly at his sister which she didn't notice. Ron and Hermoine stopped near them and put on their best fake smiles and looked at Harry.

Ron spoke first, "Hey mate. How was your summer? Hope those nasty muggles didn't cause you too much trouble." Harry shook his head, "Nah, they were gone the majority of the time."

Hermoine nodded, "Well that's good. Did you have enough time to finish your school work then?" Harry mentally rolled his eyes before he nodded, "Yes. I finished it all." The brunette girl nodded approvingly, "Good."

Harry then felt Ginny tug on his arm, "I missed you soo much Harry! Did you miss me too?" Harry wanted to turn and run but couldn't so he answered, "I uh.. was kind of too focused on my studies aand finishing my homework to really miss anything. Sorry Ginny.."

Ginny huffed slightly but snuggled more into Harry's arm causing the male to grimace more. Charlie noticed and cleared his throat making the three of them to take notice of his presence.

Charlie stared them down, "Ginny, i do believe you're making Harry un-comfortable." The girl huffed, "I am not. Am I Harry?" The raven haired boy in question tried to pull his arm away, "Yes, you are. You know how much i don't like being touched."

Ginny huffed angrily, letting Harry go and stomped off. Ron looked mad at him and Hermoine looked at him disappointedly. Hermoine sighed, "Now Harry, that was quite un-called for."

Ron nodded, "Yeah! I mean, she is your girlfriend after all!" Harry sighed, annoyed, "No she's not. I've never dated Ginny nor did I ever want to." Ron fumed, "What's wrong with my sister?!" Harry sighed heavily, "Nothing Ron. She's just not.. what I'm into."

Hermoine looked curious, "And what, pray tell are you into?" Harry sighs, "Guys. I'm gay and have been my entire life. Thanks for noticing by the way."

They both looked pale and disgusted. Ron backed away, "Eww mate! How can you be gay! That's sick!" Hermoine nodded, agreeing with her boyfriend, "Harry, you can't be gay! The whole wizarding world expects you to date marry a girl, preferably Ginny."

Harry (and Charlie) looked angry, "NO! I'd rather join Voldemort than marry a girl!" Both Hermoine and Ron looked shocked and appalled before they leave the room.

The little raven looks like he's about to cry when Charlie pulls him into his arms, "It'll be ok Harry. It'll be ok." Its only then that Harry cries and Charlie holds him tight the entire time.

After a few minutes, Harry finally calmed down, "Thanks Charlie." The older male nodded, "Anytime my little raven. How about we get you settled in my room?" Harry nods and walks up the stairs with Charlie.

They eventually reach Charlie's room and enter. Harry pulls out his trunk and stuff before enlarging it without a wand. Charlie looks at Harry impressed, "Wow Harry.. I didn't know you could do that."

Harry grinned, "I learned some wand-less magic over the summer." He sat down on the extra bed and yawned, "I'm tired." Charlie chuckled lightly, "Then rest. I'll come wake you up when dinner's ready, ok?"

Harry nodded before laying down and kicking off his shoes, "Thanks." He yawns one more time before falling asleep. Charlie smiled warmly and covered Harry up, giving him a kiss on the forehead and left the room. He was walking downstairs when he heard Ginny talking with their mother about Harry and sighed, 'Well, this is gonna suck.'

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