Chapter 13

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They're reactions were different - Tom/Voldemort looked curious, Remus and Severus looked shocked and Harry just looked confused, "But.. i don't understand. You were "dead" before I was born. How could you have..?"

Regulus sighed, "Well, I was working at a muggle club in London called Tainted Desire when I saw Lily again and she'd been crying.."


Regulus was wiping one of the many shot glasses clean before letting out a yawn. It was nearly midnight which meant his shift was almost over with. He placed the shot glass back down with the others and stretched his arms above his head.

By the time he put them down, he noticed a flash of red hair to his left and looked over. He looked shocked when he saw that it was Lily Evens or soon-to-be Lily Evens-Potter. He was even more shocked to see that she was crying.

His shift ended as he looked at her and nodded to his relief before fixing him and her a drink. He walked over to her, forgetting he was supposed to be "dead" and sat down across from her, placing the drink in front of her.

She hadn't looked up at him yet so he spoke, "You know, all the time that I knew you from the Slug Club and from my brother, I've never known you to cry. Ever." She finally looked up at him and gasped lightly before sniffling, "R-Regulus. You're *sniff sniff* alive? But.. How..?"

Regulus sighed, "I got tired of the damn war and faked my death to get out of it." She sniffed again and nodded before transfiguring a handkerchief and blew her nose.

He watched her, "Now, why're you crying?" She looked at his with watery eyes, "James and I.. we got into a really bad fight over the war, our lives and well.. everything basically. I'd never seen him that angry before and I left before things could get worse."

He frowned and nodded, "I understand. Sometimes, its a good idea to just take a breath and let things calm down before bad things happen." She nodded, "That's what I thought too. We're getting married this weekend and I guess all the stress from the wedding plans, the Order and the war itself just came crashing down on us all at once." She took a drink of her drink and grimaced, "What is this?"

He drank some of his own, "Its Jack Daniels. I always have a glass before I go home." She nodded, "Where is that exactly?" "A small flat in London. I'm going to be leaving England soon though." She took another drink, grimaced and swallowed, "Where to?" He shrugged as he drank again, "Don't know. Wherever the war can't reach yet."

She nodded and finished off her drink, "Can I stay at your place tonight?" His eyebrow rose as he noticed her cheeks were slightly flushed, "Mmm.. I don't know if that's a good idea.." She frowned, "I just.. don't want to found yet.. you know?"

He sighed before nodding, "Alright." He finished off his drink and stood up, taking her empty glass and setting them on the bar. He took her hand and led her to his flat. They walked in and he sighed, "Its small but its home.. for now. You can sleep on the bed or the couch. They're both fairly comfy." She nodded, "I take the couch then."

He looked at her to make sure she was okay with that and nodded before going to take a quick shower. She sat down and waited for Regulus who came out not ten minutes later in just pj pants. He looked at her, "I uh.. I can let you borrow some of my pj's or just an oversized shirt if you want them. Also, you can take a shower too."

She looked up at him and smiled, "Thank you. A big shirt will be fine." She got up and went to take a shower as he found a shirt big enough.

He was on the couch, watching tv when she came back into the room with the shirt on. She sat close to him and he looked at her before looking back at the tv.

His view was suddenly blocked by Lily who was straddling him. He was about to speak when she kissed him. He was shocked by it and gently pushed her away, "Lily.." She shook her head, not wanting to hear it, "Just one night.. Please." He frowned when he looked into her eyes and sighed, giving in.

He kissed her lightly and groaned when she pressed closer into him, deepening their kiss. He broke away from her and carried her into the bedroom where they had made love all night.

~Flashback Over!~

"When I woke up the next morning, she had already left to go back to James. Then, after they were married, I left for Japan. I had finally settled myself in when I heard rumors that you were born. I Just knew you were mine. I had my doubts at first.. but when I thought it over and counted backwards, I just knew. But, when I heard that your parents were killed and my brother was suspected in killing them, I became worried for you. I wanted to come and claim you but.."

Harry looked at Regulus, "You were afraid that Dumbledore would find you and have you tried or possibly killed." Regulus nodded, "I'm so sorry Harry. I was afraid that he would kill me and take you away anyways and then you'd really have no one else to save you."

The raven haired boy smiled faintly at the man.. no, his father and hugged him, "I forgive you." Regulus smiled with relief and hugged him back. Tom, Remus and Severus watched them interact before looking to the fireplace which just came to life. The others were finally arriving.

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