Chapter 18

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Ginny was talking/whining to her mother, "Mother! He won't even pay attention to me. He says I make him uncomfortable!"

Molly Weasley sighed in annoyance. Her daughter was just obsessed with Harry and she felt sorry for the boy. She looked at her daughter and replied, "Ginny, leave the poor boy alone!"

Ginny looked at her mother shocked and Charlie, who was secretly listening in, snickered behind his hand. The red headed girl looked at her mother, "But.. but mother.."

Molly raised her hand to silence her, " Enough. I am tired of you hanging onto poor Harry. He is not a toy nor is he a trophy and I won't have you hanging off him when he doesn't like it. Now, I want you to go up to your room and I don't want you talking or messing with Harry again, am I clear?"

Ginny looked like she was gonna cry, "O-Ok.." She then ran past the spying/snickering Charlie and up the stairs to her room to cry at the un-fairness of her mother's order.

Charlie walked into the kitchen towards his mother, "Wow mom. I expected you to take Ginny's side."

Molly sighed, "No. I didn't raise my daughter that way. The way she's acting is all Dumbledore's doing. Arthur might believe the man to god-like but I don't. I wish I could do something but.. I love your father and your siblings too much to just leave them."

Charlie nodded, "I know mom. Just keep looking out for Harry. He'll need you to be by his side since he sees you as his surrogate mother."

Molly had tears in her eyes when Charlie said that, "I understand. I'll keep looking after my little boy. How is he?"

Charlie sighed, "Upset. It's not my place to say why but I'm sure he'll tell you. He's upstairs in my room asleep."

Molly nods, "Ok. You go on ahead upstairs while I finish making dinner." Charlie nodded, "You don't need any help?" Molly smiled at her second oldest, "No dear. Go on."

Charlie nodded and kissed his mother's cheek before heading back upstairs. He entered his room and locked the door behind him to keep nosey little girls away from his Harry.

He crossed the room and climbed into bed close to Harry and pulled him into his arms. He smiled as the little ravenette snuggled into his chest cutely. He watched his Harry sleep until he felt his eyes droop and he joined his Harry in dreamland.

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