Chapter 7

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=Another Time Skip=

They had been together through the rest of Hogwarts and even through four years of University before they finally got married. A year and two months after they married, Sera found out that she was pregnant. Both Tom and Sera were beyond excited when they found out. Gellert was happy for them as well.

They had found out the week before they left for University the Gellert Grindelwald was Tom's great uncle. So, they told him that they would support his side. When Sera was at four months, Dumbledore had found out that she was with child and that both her and Tom were on Grindelwald's side. He was angry so he made a plot for revenge.

They were at six months and couldn't wait for their baby girl to be born. That sat on the porch outside of their house on Lake Hena which was surrounded by white wisteria trees. Gellert had come over and asked Tom to help him with a mission.

Tom reluctantly agreed and kissed his beloved wife and her belly where his little girl was and left with his uncle. None of them knew what would happen next.

Sera was about to get up and go inside when she heard someone apperate. She saw that it was Dumbledore, "Oh! Hello headmaster. What do I owe the pleasure?" The old man faked a smiled at her, "Sera. You look lovely. I just popped in to say hello and see how the little one is doing." Sera didn't trust him one little bit, "She's doing fine. She kicks pretty hard but that's normal." He nodded, "That's good."

He waited for her to look out at the lake before he stunned her. He picked her up and apperated her to an underground dungeon area. He cut off some hairs and added them to a polyjuice potion he whipped up earlier and fed it to a six month pregnant muggle woman. When she turned into Sera he cast the killing curse at her before apperating her body back to the lake house.

He laid her down on the floor and stepped back. At that time, Abraxis Malfoy had popped in to check on Sera per Tom's request and saw Dumbledore standing over what he thought was Sera's dead body.

He watched Dumbledore apperate away and he ran over to 'Sera's' body. He could tell she was dead along with the child and he cried for his lost friend. At that time, Tom and Gellert had gotten back from their mission and saw a crying Abraxis and a dead 'Sera'. Tom rushed over to his wife and held her crying.

Grindlewald cried silently. He had really liked Sera and grown quite fond of her. When they had the funeral, Dumbledore had come to pay his respects and left after it was all over with. Abraxis had come over to Tom then and explained to him what he saw. Tom cried in outrage and had to have both his uncle and best friend hold him back from killing the man outright.

They told him to wait and come up with a plan of action. Tom nodded and decided to wait. He mourned for the loss of his wife and best friend, not knowing she was alive and currently giving birth to their daughter. A few months after that Gellert was captured and Tom took his place. He then began to call himself Lord Voldemort and started gathering followers of his own. The rest, we already know.

=Back To The Present=

Harry was crying at the end of the story. He couldn't believe what his grandparents had gone through. Tom held him in his arms as the boy cried, crying silently to himself. They had both calmed down after that and that's when Harry knew. That the bastard of an old man had to pay.

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