Chapter 19

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It was around dinnertime when Harry and Charlie finally awoke. Harry blearily opened his eyes before he blushed lightly, seeing that he was being held by Charlie. He then smiled lightly and snuggled into Charlie's chest. Charlie unconsciously held Harry closer. He slowly started to open his eyes and when he finally did, he smiled down at Harry. Harry looked up at Charlie and smiled back.

They were both startled when there were three sharp knocks on the door. They both sighed when they heard Molly's voice, "Charlie! Its time for dinner! I'm assuming that Harry is in there with you since he's no where else in the house." Charlie chuckled, "Yes mum. He's here!" "Good. Harry dear? Get washed up for dinner. Both of you."

Harry smiled, "Yes Mrs. Weasley." Molly smiled, even though her boys couldn't see it before she walked back down stairs.

Harry and Charlie both looked at each other and share a small kiss before they both got up. They washed up and changed clothes before heading downstairs. On their way down, they saw Ginny waiting on Harry, causing said ravenette to groan.

Ginny, hearing Harry groan looked up and was about to say something when she scowled seeing that Charlie was with Harry. She then schooled her features into a smile and latched herself onto Harry's arm, "Oh Harry! Where were you? I was looking for you all day!"

Harry's eyes rolled and he managed to pull himself away from Ginny's grasp, "I was sleeping in Charlie's room because I wanted to be left alone. That and I didn't want to see Ron and Hermione suck face constantly." Charlie snorted lightly in amusement.

Ginny glared at Charlie before looking at Harry, "But Harry! There your friends and i'm your girlfriend!" Harry glared at Ginny, causing her to shrink back, "I've told you a hundred times Ginny, we're not dating! I'm not even interested in girls!"

Ginny pouted, "I don't believe you! You'll see! One day, you and I will be married!" She turned around and headed into the dining room. Harry sighed and looked at Charlie, "I suddenly don't feel hungry anymore." Charlie sighs, "Yeah but we do need to eat. If you want to, I can ask mum if we can eat up in my room, away from the others." Harry smiled, "Thanks Charlie." Charlie smiled, "Go ahead upstairs to my room and I'll go get some food."

Harry smiled and kissed Charlie's cheek before heading back upstairs. Charlie smiles and walks into the dining room to the kitchen where his mum was. Molly looked up at Charlie, "Hello dear. Go ahead and take a seat! Where's Harry?" Charlie sighed, "Well.." He told her about their unfortunate run in with Ginny and said that Harry wanted to eat upstairs instead.

Molly sighed, "Oh poor Harry.." She gets a plate of food ready for Charlie and Harry, "Here. Take this up to him." Charlie took the food, "Thanks mum." He kisses her cheek and walks out of the kitchen and into the dining room where he bumped into Ron and Hermione. His eyes rolled when they tried to talk to him. Thankfully, the twins distracted them both so Charlie could get away.

Charlie headed up the stairs with the food and kicked/knocked on the door with his foot. Harry opened the door and smiled when he saw Charlie with the food. "Let me help." He took a plate from Charlie and walked inside with the former dragon tamer. Charlie shut his door and joined Harry on the bed as they both ate their dinner.

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