Chapter 12

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Harry and Regulus looked around the lake house. Harry was the first to speak, "This place is so beautiful! I can understand why you wanted to raise a family here." Regulus nodded, "I agree with Harry."

Tom/Voldemort smiled, "Yes. Sera fell in love with this place when we found it after we first got married. We bought the land along with the lake and built this lake house with our combined magic."

He stepped over to a window and looked out at the wisteria trees, "She loved the white wisterias the most. We would sit one the porch swing during the springtime and bask in the aroma of wisteria trees."

Harry and Regulus watched as the 'Dark Lord' lost himself in his memories when the familiar popping sound of someone arriving via apperating.

Harry went to the door when that same person(s) knocked. He opened the door to reveal Severus Snape and Remus Lupin. When Harry spotted Remus he smiled and practically tackled the werewolf, "REMY!"

Remus laughed and held onto Harry, "Ahahaha! I missed you too cub!" Severus snorted, "As touching as this display is.. Can we please enter the house?"

Harry glared lightly at the potions master before letting go of Remus and let them inside. Regulus came into view then with Tom, who finally snapped out of his daze.

Remus gaped while Severus stared in shock at Regulus. Said man rolled his eyes, "Oh stop that, the both of you! I'm alive and have been for awhile." Remus shook it off first, "But how?"

Regulus shrugged, "A few altering memory spells and voila! A faked death." Severus had looked skeptical but said nothing, "I'm guessing we are the first to arrive then?" Harry nodded, "Yes. The others aren't due to arrive for another hour or so."

Severus nodded, "Then we shall wait then." He walked over to the bar and made himself a glass of brandy. Remus frowned at Severus, "I really wish you'd stop that." Severus looked over at Remus and sighed putting the drink down.

Harry blinked and looked at Regulus who was smirking, "Someone's well trained." Severus glared at Regulus as Remus gave him a 'Don't start' look. Harry just looked confused before he figured it out, "Remy.. are you.. involved with Snape? Ya know, romantically?" Remus blushed bright pink as Severus coughed and looked away. Harry looked a little green as Regulus laughed.

Remus quickly composed himself and looked at Harry, "Does this bother you?" Harry shook his head, "No, but I guess this means that Severus can't be my real dad then." They all looked at him, shocked. Severus stepped close, "What do you mean?"

Harry told them about the blood spell he did with Kreacher. Severus looked thoughtful, "You thought that it could be me because of my love for your mother." Harry nodded and Severus sighed, "Harry.. When I realized that your mother loved James, I gave up on her. Remus and I began dating a few months after your parents deaths and Sirius' incarceration. We helped the other heal and fell in love."

Harry nodded again, "I understand. I accept your realationship and i am happy for you both." Remus smiled and hugged him, "Thank you cub." Harry frowned, "But if your not my real dad.. then who is?" Regulus was quiet for awhile before he spoke, "I think I knoww who." Harry looked at him, "Who is it?" Regulus closed his eyes, inhaled and then exhaled before looking back at him, "Me."

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