Chapter 9

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Tom sighed as he stood on the porch where he last saw his beloved wife. He closed his eyes as he felt a gentle breeze flow past him, the smell of the wisteria blossoms attached to it. Tears pricked his eyes suddenly as memories came flashing by in an instant before he sat down on the porch swing.

He opened his eyes when he had felt a presence near him. What he saw shocked him, "S-Sera?!"

She smiled at him, "Hello Tom. I've missed you.. so much." He stood up quickly and hugged her, holding her tightly as she wrapped her arms around him. He pulled away some and looked into her eyes, "Why have you not contacted me until now? Or Harry for that matter?"

She smiled sadly, "I was unable to. Dumbledore had placed a spell on Harry when he was a baby that rendered me unable to contact him in any way until he reached of age."

Tom frowned, "Then why not contact me?" Sera frowned sadly, "You were too overtaken with hatred to hear me call out to you."

Tom closed his eyes in sadness, "Could you blame me? He took you and Lily from me! He ruined our lives before we had the chance to really have one. I couldn't let him get away with that."

She sighed, "I know, my love. But acting on hatred isn't the answer. It cost you your life and the lives of Harry's parents. Not to mention the lives of countless others as well."

Tom sighed knowing Sera was right, "I am sorry." Sera smiled faintly, "I know you are and so does Lily." He looked up at her when she mentioned their daughter, "She does? You've seen her?"

She giggled at her beloved's eagerness, "Yes. She say she wishes to meet you but she wanted to see Harry first." Tom nodded, "Of course." He felt distant for a moment, "What was that?"

Sera frowned sadly, "Our time is up my beloved." Tom looked sad, "No.. Not yet. Not now." Sera smiled a sad smile, "I love you." Tom moved forward and kissed her deeply, putting all of his love for her into their kiss. Sera returned his kiss adding her feelings of love into it.

Too soon for them both, they pulled away and looked into each other's eyes. Tom closed his eyes and when he opened him, he was back on the porch swing at their old house. He then put his head in his hands and cried.

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