Chapter 4

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Harry and Tom had finished plotting their scheme. Now was the time to put it into action. The first part was that Harry had to pretend to stay loyal to Dumbledore and go back to stay at the Dursley's.

Harry protested at that which caused Tom to ask him why. Harry told him everything from him living in the cupboard under the stairs until he was eleven to doing all of the Dursley's chores since he was little to putting bars on his window and showing him no love at all.

Tom growled in anger. How dare those muggles treat his grandson like a common house elf! But in order for their plan to work, Harry had to go back. Even though neither of them liked it.

Harry also told Tom that he suspected that Hermione and a few of the Weasleys were just using him. Tom asked him to elaborate what he meant. He sighed, "Well, Ron and Hermione have been saying weird things behind my back. I haven't caught much of it but i overheard them say things like, 'Rotten little fame whore', 'How long do we have to keep faking it' and 'I hope he doesn't figure it out'. Molly has been treating me like I'm some kind of chore that has to be done and Arthur just ignores me sometimes. Percy has never really liked me and Ginny has become, well.. rather obsessed with me."

Tom's eyebrow rose, "Hasn't she always though?" Harry nodded slightly, "Yeah, but not like this. She was constantly glued to my side at school this past year and continuously sends me letters to which I don't respond. I mean, I'm not even.." Harry stopped himself.

Tom gave him a look, "Not even what Harry?" The green eyed boy looked at his new grandfather nervously, "You promise you won't get mad and throw me out?" Tom gave him a smile and nodded, "Of course." Harry bit his lip and said, "I'm gay."

He looked up to see Tom smile and nod, "I had a feeling." "You're not mad?" Tom laughed at that, "Harry, you're my grandson. Granted, I just found that out but nevertheless I do love you and I accept you for who you are." Harry smiled brightly and hugged his grandfather who returned the hug.

After awhile, Harry sat back down and Tom straightened himself out, "Now, you said some so I am assuming that the other Weasleys still see you as family?" Harry nodded, "Yes. Gred and Forge have always been big brothers to me and I've always been their little brother. We also share ownership of Weasley Wizards' Weezes. I gave them my money that I got when I won the Tri-Wizard tournament in fourth year."

Tom instantly felt bad, "I'm so sorry Harry. If I had known.." Harry shook his head, "It wasn't your fault. We were fooled by Dumbledork, remember? He's the one at fault." Tom chuckled at the nickname for the crazy headmaster, "Right. Continue what you were saying."

Harry nodded, "Bill and Fleur are definitely on my side. Fleur because I saved her sister during the second task and Bill because.. well, he likes me a lot more than Ron. I've only met Charlie a few times but we seemed to hit it off well." Tom nodded, "Alright then. Are there any other friends of yours that you trust and do not trust?"

Harry thought for a moment, "Well, I know I can trust Luna and Neville. The three of us have gotten closer this past year. Seamus and Dean are in-between yes and no. I only see them during lessons. Colin and his little brother are completely loyal to Dumbledork so, no to them. I think that's it." Tom nodded, "Alright then."

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