Chapter 6

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It was the weekend finally and Harry watched as the Dursley's drove away. Once they were out of sight, he dashed for the fireplace and flooed to his grandfather's study. He stumbled and nearly fell but was caught before he hit the floor. He looked up and blushed somewhat when he saw that it was Draco Malfoy that caught him.

He wasn't worried due to the fact that his grandfather had told him that he had told the story to his loyalist followers and they agreed to help them. He stood back up with Draco's help and smiled at the blond boy, "Um.. Thanks Draco. Is it ok if I call you that?" Draco blushed faintly and nodded, "Sure. Can I call you Harry?"

Harry smiled and nodded, "Sure! Friends?" He held his hand out. Draco chuckled and took it, shaking it, "Friends." They heard a giggle and two men chuckle.

They turned and saw Lucius, Narcissa and Tom looking at them with smiles on their faces. They both flushed deeply at the adults. Narcissa hugged Harry tightly soon after that, "We're behind you Harry. One hundred percent."

Lucius nodded, "And you are always welcome at our manor. Anytime." Harry smiled at them, "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

They both smiled at him but regretfully had to leave. They all waved goodbye to him and flooed back to Malfoy manor. Harry then turned around and hugged Tom tightly, "I missed you."

Tom hugged him back and smiled, "I missed you too my little raven." Harry looked up at him, puzzled, "Raven?" Tom nodded, "My nickname for you cause of your hair color. Do you not like it." Harry smiled, "I like it."

He let go of his grandfather and sat down across from him, "So, can you tell me yours and grandmother's story?" Tom laughed at that and nodded, "Of course, of course. Now, i'll start at the very beginning then shall I?"


An eleven year old Tom Riddle was sitting alone in an compartment on the scarlet train to Hogwarts. He sighed and looked out the window when someone knocked on the door.

He told them to come in and the door slid open to reveal a girl with chocolate brown hair with red highlights and the prettiest green eyes he's ever seen.

She smiled at him, "Hi! Can I sit in here with you? Everywhere else is full." He nodded and she came in with her trunk and put it up above her before she sat down across from him, "Thanks! My names Sera. Sera Harting. What's yours?"

He smiled shyly at her, "T-Tom. Tom Riddle." "Nice to meet you Tom. So, I'm guessing this is your first year too?"

He nodded, "Yeah. I didn't even know that magic existed 'til an old man came to see me." She tilted her head at him, "Oh? And why not? Didn't your parents tell you?" He frowned sadly, "I don't have any parents." She frowned, "Oh.. I'm sorry."

He shrugged, "Its ok." They sat in silence for a few minutes before Sera spoke up again, "So Tom.. Do you wanna be my friend?" The boy looked at her, "Really?!"

She giggled and nodded, "Yeah!" He smiled brightly, "Sure!" They both laughed and Sera moved to sit next to Tom. They talked all the way to Hogwarts.

=Time Skip=

Sera and Tom were both put in different houses, Tom in Slytherin and Sera in Gryffindor. Even though they were in different houses they still stayed best friends. But around their sixth year, things changed somewhat.

Tom was just entering the platform and looking for Sera when she suddenly tackled him from behind. He grunted as he fell forwards, "Ow! Sera!" She giggled, "Sorry Tom!" He blinked. He knew he had changed some.

His body had filled out with slight muscle, he had grown to a solid six foot and he no longer had any baby fat on his face. Plus his voice had deepened some. When he got up to face his friend, he noticed that she had changed to. Her chest had filled out a lot.

Maybe to a D cup. Her figure had a slight hour glass frame to it and she had grown a few inches. Her eyes were just below his. Her hair and eye colors had deepened in shade as well. Her voice had also changed. In other words, she was drop dead gorgeous!

Sera noticed that Tom was beginning to stare and giggled, "Tom. Your staring." Tom shook his head and blushed brightly, "Uh sorry." She smiled at him, "Its ok. Let's find us a compartment before they all fill up!" She grabbed her trunk and owl just as he did the same and ran to find a compartment. When they did find one they put up their trunks and sat down.

They had just started talking about different things when the train lurched and started off towards Hogwarts. Sera had noticed that something was on Tom's mind so she asked him. Tom blushed and looked at her, "I've uh.. no, its nothing."

Sera frowned, "Aw c'mon Tom. You know you can trust me." He looked at his best friend and decided to do it, "Well then, I wanted to ask you if.. you'd you know.. go out with me?" He closed his eyes and waited for her.

Sera was in shock but she soon smiled. She'd known that she liked Tom in that way since last year. So, she stood up before kneeling down and kissing Tom right on the lips. Tom's eyes popped open and widened when he realized she was kissing him. They soon closed as he started kissing back and he pulled her into his lap, deepening their kiss.

It lasted a few more seconds before they broke apart for air. He looked her in the eyes and asked, "Does that mean yes?" She giggled softly, "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." Tom and Sera smiled and just held each other 'til they got to Hogwarts.

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