Chapter 23

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Once Harry and Charlie arrived back at the Burrow, Harry realized something. He looked at Charlie in worry, "Charlie! We forgot my school supplies!" Charlie paled and looked at Harry, "Oh crap. We can order them for owl delivery. They should arrive tomorrow morning if we put a rush on it." Harry sighed in relief, "Oh good. We'll do that then." Charlie smiled and nodded before leaving to owl those orders in for Harry. Harry's mind was still reeling with the knowledge he just recieved from Gringotts. He sat on the loveseat in the living room and sighed. He was so happy that Charlie was his soulmate. He smiled goofily  until he heard a nearly shrill voice from the staircase, "Harry!" He groaned, the three annoyances had awoken and found him.

Harry sat up and looked at the three and held back a groan when Ginny tried to latch onto him again. "Hi guys. What's up?" Hermione's nose wrinkled at Harry as Ron answered, "Why'd you leave so early with Charlie?" Harry frowned, "We went to grab school supplies. Turns out some stores had to owl order more of the supplies so we just hung out instead. Charlie owl ordered the supplies for me and they should be here tomorrow. Why?" Ron was about to answer when Ginny spoke up, "We wanted to do that with you Harry." Then she whispered, "I thought the two of us could sneak in some private time?" Harry shuddered in disgust, but Ginny thought it was in pleasure. Harry shook his head, "Sorry guys, but I hardly hang out with Charlie and got excited to talk about Romania. I was thinking of becoming a Dragon Tamer after school ends."

Hermione frowned, "Oh Harry.. don't you think you'd be better suited to be  a Auror instead?" Harry's brow furrowed, "Why? I'm tired of fighting "dark" wizards and witches. I'd rather take care and learn about dragons like Charlie." Ginny piped up, worried about her possible future, "But Harry.. what about us?" "I'm sorry Ginny, but I just want time to myself for a while after I graduate. Besides, I won't be able to have anyone with me when I'm in-training to be a dragon tamer." Ginny huffed angrily before getting up and leaving Ron angrily following behind her. Hermione sighed and looked at Harry in disappointment, "Harry, You should really reconsider your future if you're going to have Ginny or someone special in it. Its just not practical to be a dragon tamer." 

"Is that right?" Hermione whirled around to meet the eyes of Charlie, who was not happy at her words. "Being a dragon tamer has helped me become a better and more openminded person that I am. Trust me when I say, Its practical to be who or whatever you want to be. You should be ashamed for thinking otherwise." Hermione flushed in shame and embarressment before muttering an apology to Charlie & Harry and ran off to find Ron and Ginny. Harry very nearly swooned as Charlie chewed out Hermione. Once Hermione had fled, Harry pounced onto Charlie, who caught him flawlessly, and kissed him deeply. Charlie returned the kiss and began to make out with Harry standing up. After a while, they broke their kissing, make out session. Charlie walked over to the love seat and sat Harry down before he himself sat down next to him.

Charlie looked at Harry, "So.. you gonna tell me what happened at Gringotts when I left the room?" Harry proceeded to tell him everything. That Severus was his godfather, Regulus was his father and how Charlie himself was his soul mate. Charlie's mouth practically fell open at all the information. He sat back and looked at Harry in shock. Then, the part of him being Harry's soulmate made him grin like crazy and hugged the ravenette to him tightly. "I'll protect you Harry. I promise." Harry nodded, "I know. Thank you Charlie." Charlie kissed Harry's forehead before they both got called at for lunch.

!End of Chapter 23!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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