Chapter 12: Thorn Within

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Next Day


"We have some new recruits, they're waiting outside while Marius and Jordan are checking up on them. I want you and Eliza to check out what's happening." Harry said while he went on reading. "Understood, sir." I responded. "Please, don't call me sir. Call me Harry." he said calmly. I nodded in response and exited the office with Eliza by my side. "So, do you have anything planned for the freshmen?" she asked as she held my hand. I looked at her and smiled, "Nothing really, do you?" I asked her. She goes silent for a few moments before answering, "Not really, we'll see what happens." she said. We arrive outside where Marius and Jordan were talking with the recruits, telling war stories and the like. "There was this time I was in Afghanistan and-" the recruit gets cut off when Jordan ushers them to stand up and at attention, noticing that we were arriving. "At ease, gentlemen." Ash said as the recruits relaxed their stance. "Welcome to Rainbow. I trust that Six has good reason to let you join the team. Now, first off. I want to know your names, and if you have any call-signs that you may want to carry over from your previous service, you may do so. I want everyone to remain quiet until it's your turn to speak." Ash scans the recruits before picking one out. "You, name and unit." The recruit seems to stumble his words but he manages to get them out. "M-Marcus Nantz, US Marine Corps. 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines." I spot a few recruits talking to each other, which I decide to step into. I walk to them and I see their faces freeze as I eye both of them down. "So, what's so interesting, hmm?" I said. "N-Nothing... Sir." I eye down that particular recruit and walk up to him. "If it wasn't so interesting, then you wouldn't be talking about it with your buddy now, would you?" I said as I spoke calmly. "N-No sir.", "When your superiors say something, you follow it. Understood?" I said. I see the recruit swallow nervously before answering, "Yes sir." I walk back to Eliza and I can see a smile on her face. "Good job scaring that recruit, now he's probably never gonna talk again." she said as we both laughed together.

Time skip

I'm sitting in my room, waiting for Eliza to finish her briefing and tour with the recruits. I hear the door open and it's Eliza, with a sort of distraught look on her face. "Hey Stars, something wrong?" I said as I hugged her and propped her face up with my hands. "Not really, just tired after today." she said as she planted a kiss on my lips. I bring her over to the bed and hug her as we lay down, cradling her in my arms as she buried her head in my chest. "Baby..." she muttered. I met her gaze, "Yes?" I said. "Why are you so cute?" she said as she suddenly booped my nose. I let out a laugh and she does so as well. God, I was the luckiest man ever. "I don't know, why are 'you'?" I said as I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead

Ela's POV

I was jealous. I was really, really jealous. I sit in my room, looking up at the ceiling with my heart confused. I'm happy for Eliza, but I want Y/N. I wanted him to be mine, and I wanted to be his. My thinking gets interrupted when I hear a knock on the door. I walk up to the door, opening for whoever was outside. It was Zofia. "You don't look too well." she said as she tilted her head at me. "What makes you say that?" I said defensively. "Well, your tone, and how you acted yesterday with the news." she said. "What news?" I asked, knowing fully what she was talking about. "You already know, Elzbieta." she said as she crossed her arms. "Fuck, alright. Just get in here." I said as she walked in and I closed the door. "You know, it's not right to-" I cut Zofia off before speaking, "I know it's not right. I just-" I get cut off back by Zofia. "You just what? Want him? You want to steal him from Ash?" she said. I nodded in response and she just scoffed, "Good luck with that." she said as she took her beret off. "Look sister, there's just something about him that I want more of. He's nice, he's caring, smart, and-", "Hot?"

"I mean, yeah Zo. You can't blame me for wanting someone like Y/N." I said. "No I can't, but you'll only have yourself to blame if you decide to go with your plan." she said before walking to the door. "Oh, and I wouldn't advise going against Ash, you know what she's like; protective." she muttered before walking out the door. I consider Zofias words for a moment while thinking, maybe she's right; maybe I'll never get Y/N.

Ash's POV

Its around 9PM and Y/N and I just ate dinner from the mess hall. "How about we watch a movie, Stars?" I heard him say. That nickname always made me blush. "Sure, what do you wanna watch?" I asked him. It takes him a few seconds before he answers. "You choose, I'll watch anything." he said. I grab the remote and start browsing for movies on Netflix. Eventually I choose the movie 'Scent of a Woman' which is one of my all time favourites. I snuggle up to Y/N and he wraps his arms around me as I do the same to him. Around half an hour passes, and I look up at Y/N. All I could think to myself right now was that I was the luckiest girl in the world. I had Y/N; smart, strong, caring, and hot. I full on smile like a dork as I just look up at him. He looks down at me and smiles when he sees me. "You're adorable..." he said as he ran his fingers through my hair. "Stop, you're making me blush." I said as my cheeks became rose red. He leans in closer and presses his lips against mine, which I reciprocate immediately. Our lips move in sync and so do our tongues as they collide. I pull away and just stare into his eyes.

"I love you so much, Y/N." I said as I cupped his cheeks.

"I love you more, Stars."

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