Chapter 8: Nothing to Hide

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Timeskip to 2 weeks later

2nd Person POV (If you don't know what 2nd Person POV is, its basically an emphasis on YOU.)


You took off your hearing protection and look down the range. All your bullets, straight through the head. Ash had never seen such marksmanship before, except for Glaz; but that's a different ballpark. You put down your SCAR-H, pulling out the empty mag and setting it on the table. "Damn, nice shots Y/N." you hear Eliza say. You turn around and smile at her, "Thanks, haven't shot in a while so this'll be how I brush off the rust." I say. She smiles back at you, her pearly whites showing this time. All you could think about was that you were the luckiest man in this earth; and you had Eliza. Cute, funny, smart, brave, and smoking hot. Definitely hit the jackpot. You return the rifle to the gunsmith as you and Ash walk out of the gun range. Suddenly you notice Ash get a burst of excitement, and you can't help but ask why. "Hey, what's got you all excited and such?" you quipped. She gazes to you with a wide smile on her face. "Follow me." she said, grabbing a hold of your arm and pulling you with her.

You follow along and she pulls you outside, and you're greeted with the sight of a pool. You had a pool back in Fort Bragg, but you were always too serious to go and have fun. All you did was train your marksmanship; shoot rounds day and night; and listen to Slayer. "This is amazing..." you said. You notice Ash turn to you and put her hand on your chest, slightly tip toeing in her boots as she got closer to you. "You wanna go night swimming later?" she said, her eyes practically glued to yours. "You know what, that sounds like a good idea." you said, earning a smile from Ash. You smiled back, you were happy about making Ash happy; hell, that was all you cared about; her being happy. You and Ash walk side by side through the hallway, earning a few glances from the operators around. "Dude, is Ash dating the new guy?" Pulse said. "Hell, they for sure look like they're dating." replied Mozzie. You hear a few people mumbling, but you try your best to ignore it as you and Ash enter your room. "You surprisingly keep this tidy with the amount of time you spend in my room." she said, sitting down on your bed. "Well, what can I say. I like being organized." you said while taking your ACU off. You could feel Ash's stare pierce through you, you knew she was checking you out. Of course, you liked it. "I know you're checking me out, Eliza." you said as you turned around and leaned on the desk. She grins while her face turns a shade of red, earning a slight laugh from you. You walk over and sit down next to her, sneaking your hand over hers. You feel her interlock her fingers with yours as you both hold hands. A silence ensues, with the both of you just sitting next to each other in each other's company, holding hands. "You know..." you hear Ash mutter. You turn to meet her gaze, "Yes, Eliza?" she lunges at you and gives you a soft kiss on the lips. You feel yourself melt into the kiss and you kiss her back ardently. You pull away and the two of you just stare at each other. Your moment gets interrupted when you hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it." you told Ash. You got up and opened the door, and Sandman was there. "Hey man, what's up with you and Eliza?" he questioned. You gave him the look, and he nodded back, "Okay, I see you Y/N." he said while leaving. You closed the door, and sat back next to Ash. "Who was it?" she asked. "It was Sandman. He asked about the two of us." I said. "And?" she said, tilting her head off to the side. "I think they're catching on, Eliza." I said. She looks down for a moment and looks back at me. "I guess we'll make an announcement tomorrow." she said. "For real? You're okay with them knowing?" I asked, slightly confused. She put her hand on my cheek and gave me a slight smile.

"We have nothing to hide."

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